SqNOS: interpreterProxy signalSemaphoreWithIndex:

John M McIntosh johnmci at smalltalkconsulting.com
Sat Jun 10 03:53:38 UTC 2006

Well having written these two routines 6 or 7 years ago, let me  
comment if I can remember.

The two routines of interest are:

signalSemaphoreWithIndex: index
	"Record the given semaphore index in the double buffer semaphores  
array to be signaled at the next convenient moment. Force a real  
interrupt check as soon as possible."

	index <= 0 ifTrue: [^ nil].  "bad index; ignore it"

		ifTrue: [semaphoresToSignalCountA < SemaphoresToSignalSize
			ifTrue: [ semaphoresToSignalCountA := semaphoresToSignalCountA + 1.
				semaphoresToSignalA at: semaphoresToSignalCountA put: index]]
		ifFalse: [semaphoresToSignalCountB < SemaphoresToSignalSize
			ifTrue: [ semaphoresToSignalCountB := semaphoresToSignalCountB + 1.
				semaphoresToSignalB at: semaphoresToSignalCountB put: index]].
	self forceInterruptCheck

and the one below which is called from checkForInterrupts and happens  
every 1-2 milliseconds or as soon as possible via being triggered by  
the forceInterruptCheck call.
Thus on a signalSemaphoreWithIndex: we should call  
signalExternalSemaphores fairly soon, that 'nots' the  
semaphoresUseBufferA which flips the buffers to allow
the checkForInterrupts logic to process the semaphores in buffer 'A'  
as an interrupt driven processes fill buffer 'B'.   Of course if you  
don't have any process threads calling signalSemaphoreWithIndex: we  
don't have a problem because normally this code is only processed by  
the single squeak thread.

The risks is on dual processor machines  such that decisions based on  
semaphoresUseBufferA collide between the main squeak thread running  
signalExternalSemaphores, and
an other thread pounding on signalSemaphoreWithIndex: and we miss a  
semaphoresToSignalCountX increment.

	"Signal all requested semaphores"
	| xArray xSize index sema |
	semaphoresUseBufferA := semaphoresUseBufferA not.
	xArray := self splObj: ExternalObjectsArray.
	xSize := self stSizeOf: xArray.
		ifTrue: ["use opposite buffer during read"
			1 to: semaphoresToSignalCountB do: [:i |
					index := semaphoresToSignalB at: i.
					index <= xSize
						ifTrue: [sema := self fetchPointer: index - 1 ofObject: xArray.
							"Note: semaphore indices are 1-based"
							(self fetchClassOf: sema) = (self splObj: ClassSemaphore)
								ifTrue: [self synchronousSignal: sema]]].
			semaphoresToSignalCountB := 0]
		ifFalse: [1 to: semaphoresToSignalCountA do: [:i |
					index := semaphoresToSignalA at: i.
					index <= xSize
						ifTrue: [sema := self fetchPointer: index - 1 ofObject: xArray.
							"Note: semaphore indices are 1-based"
							(self fetchClassOf: sema) = (self splObj: ClassSemaphore)
								ifTrue: [self synchronousSignal: sema]]].
			semaphoresToSignalCountA := 0]

On 9-Jun-06, at 7:29 PM, Gerardo Richarte wrote:

> John M McIntosh said:
>> Likely I should point out this code is not 100% percent thread safe.
>> People doing thousands of signal events per second from an async
>> thread should think carefully about the code.
> 	I'm really interested in this problem, as SqueakNOS relies 100% on  
> signalSemaphoreWithIndex() to handle IRQs properly (see http:// 
> minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/1762 for more detailed info).
> However, after reading Andreas' comment in Win32 sources I think  
> this problem is only present when the underlying native code is  
> multithreaded, what doesn't apply to SqueakNOS... however, what I  
> think will present a similar situation is if two IRQs (different or  
> not) arrive in a very short period of time, both of them signaling  
> Semaphores (same for same IRQs, different for different IRQs).
> What do you think?
> Where can I read an explanation of this problem to see if it  
> applies and if we can somehow solve it? I guess we'll need to  
> implement some type of locking mechanism, even when the underlying  
> code is single threaded.
> 	thanks a lot
> 	gera

John M. McIntosh <johnmci at smalltalkconsulting.com> 1-800-477-2659
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.  http://www.smalltalkconsulting.com

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