[Q] Monticello versioning and subclassing

David Faught dave.faught at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 13:06:30 UTC 2006


I have a Monticello package that is mostly new classes and methods,
but there is a single method in a single existing class that I need to
change to add a couple of lines to in order to tie my code to another
project.  In order to properly subclass the existing class to overload
this one method, I would also need to subclass a number of other
existing classes to change the class references.  This seems like a
lot of extra subclasses for not much gain.

So my questions are:

1.  Does Monticello offer some help with this situation?
2a.  Do I go ahead and just directly modify the existing class method
to add my two lines and mark it as a Monticello class extension, or
2b.  Do I do the right thing and put in all the extra subclasses to
properly overload the whole string of dependent class references?
3.  How do I deal with 2a when the owner of the existing class
modifies that method some other way?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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