[Color] printHtmlString

stéphane ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Fri Jun 16 06:51:53 UTC 2006

Hi mathieu

the best thing to report a bug is:
	- provide a test so that we can understand what was broken and how  
your fix solves it.
	- provide a cs with only you method (open... dual changesorter)
	- publish it on mantis http://bugs.impara.de

Let us know if this is not ok for you.


On 13 juin 06, at 23:35, mathieu wrote:

> Hello
> I find a bug in Color class
> Does it not better like this?:
> Color>>printHtmlString
> 	"answer a string whose characters are the html representation
> 	of the receiver"
> 	^ (self red * 255) asInteger printStringHex , (self green * 255)
> asInteger printStringHex , (self blue * 255) asInteger printStringHex
> I have make the change in the file out.
> Best regards,
> Mathieu
> 'From Squeak3.9alpha of 4 July 2005 [latest update: #7033] on 13  
> June 2006 at 11:28:42 pm'!
> Object subclass: #Color
> 	instanceVariableNames: 'rgb cachedDepth cachedBitPattern'
> 	classVariableNames: 'Black Blue BlueShift Brown CachedColormaps  
> ColorChart ColorNames ComponentMask ComponentMax Cyan DarkGray Gray  
> GrayToIndexMap Green GreenShift HalfComponentMask HighLightBitmaps  
> IndexedColors LightBlue LightBrown LightCyan LightGray LightGreen  
> LightMagenta LightOrange LightRed LightYellow Magenta MaskingMap  
> Orange PaleBlue PaleBuff PaleGreen PaleMagenta PaleOrange PalePeach  
> PaleRed PaleTan PaleYellow PureBlue PureCyan PureGreen PureMagenta  
> PureRed PureYellow RandomStream Red RedShift TranslucentPatterns  
> Transparent VeryDarkGray VeryLightGray VeryPaleRed VeryVeryDarkGray  
> VeryVeryLightGray White Yellow'
> 	poolDictionaries: ''
> 	category: 'Graphics-Primitives'!
> !Color commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
> This class represents abstract color, regardless of the depth of  
> bitmap it will be shown in.  At the very last moment a Color is  
> converted to a pixelValue that depends on the depth of the actual  
> Bitmap inside the Form it will be used with.  The supported depths  
> (in bits) are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32.  The number of actual colors  
> at these depths are: 2, 4, 16, 256, 32768, and 16 million.  (See  
> comment in BitBlt.)  To change the depth of the Display and set how  
> many colors you can see, execute: (Display newDepth: 8).  (See  
> comment in DisplayMedium)
> 	Color is represented as the amount of light in red, green, and  
> blue.  White is (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) and black is (0, 0, 0).  Pure red  
> is (1.0, 0, 0).  These colors are "additive".  Think of Color's  
> instance variables as:
> 	r	amount of red, a Float between 0.0 and 1.0.
> 	g	amount of green, a Float between 0.0 and 1.0.
> 	b	amount of blue, a Float between 0.0 and 1.0.
> (But, in fact, the three are encoded as values from 0 to 1023 and  
> combined in a single integer, rgb.  The user does not need to know  
> this.)
> 	Many colors are named.  You find a color by name by sending a  
> message to class Color, for example (Color lightBlue).  Also,  
> (Color red: 0.2 green: 0.6 blue: 1.0) or (Color r: 0.2 g: 0.6 b:  
> 1.0) creates a color. (see below)
> 	A color is essentially immutable.  Once you set red, green, and  
> blue, you cannot change them.  Instead, create a new Color and use it.
> 	Applications such as contour maps and bar graphs will want to  
> display one of a set of shades based on a number.  Convert the  
> range of this number to an integer from 1 to N.  Then call (Color  
> green lightShades: N) to get an Array of colors from white to  
> green.  Use the Array messages at:, atPin:, or atWrap: to pull out  
> the correct color from the array.  atPin: gives the first (or last)  
> color if the index is out of range.  atWrap: wraps around to the  
> other end if the index is out of range.
> 	Here are some fun things to run in when your screen has color:
> 		Pen new mandala: 30 diameter: Display height-100.
> 		Pen new web  "Draw with the mouse, opt-click to end"
> 		Display fillWhite.  Pen new hilberts: 5.
> 		Form toothpaste: 30  "Draw with mouse, opt-click to end"
> You might also want to try the comment in
> 	Form>class>examples>tinyText...
> Messages:
> 	mixed: proportion with: aColor	Answer this color mixed with the  
> given color additively. The proportion, a number between 0.0 and  
> 1.0, determines what what fraction of the receiver to use in the mix.
> 	+ 	add two colors
> 	- 	subtract two colors
> 	*	multiply the values of r, g, b by a number or an Array of  
> factors.  ((Color named: #white) * 0.3) gives a darkish gray.   
> (aColor * #(0 0 0.9)) gives a color with slightly less blue.
> 	/	divide a color by a factor or an array of three factors.
> 	errorForDepth: d     How close the nearest color at this depth is  
> to this abstract color.  Sum of the squares of the RGB differences,  
> square rooted and normalized to 1.0.  Multiply by 100 to get percent.
> 	hue			Returns the hue of the color. On a wheel from 0 to 360 with  
> pure red at 0 and again at 360.
> 	saturation	Returns the saturation of the color.  0.0 to 1.0
> 	brightness	Returns the brightness of the color.  0.0 to 1.0
> 	name    Look to see if this Color has a name.
> 	display	Show a swatch of this color tracking the cursor.
> 	lightShades: thisMany		An array of thisMany colors from white to  
> the receiver.
> 	darkShades: thisMany		An array of thisMany colors from black to  
> the receiver.  Array is of length num.
> 	mix: color2 shades: thisMany		An array of thisMany colors from the  
> receiver to color2.
> 	wheel: thisMany			An array of thisMany colors around the color  
> wheel starting and ending at the receiver.
> 	pixelValueForDepth: d    Returns the bits that appear be in a  
> Bitmap of this depth for this color.  Represents the nearest  
> available color at this depth.  Normal users do not need to know  
> which pixelValue is used for which color.
> Messages to Class Color.
> 	red: r green: g blue: b		Return a color with the given r, g, and b  
> components.
> 	r: g: b:		Same as above, for fast typing.
>  	hue: h saturation: s brightness: b		Create a color with the given  
> hue, saturation, and brightness.
> 	pink
>  	blue
> 	red ...	Many colors have messages that return an instance of Color.
> 	canUnderstand: #brown	  Returns true if #brown is a defined color.
> 	names		An OrderedCollection of the names of the colors.
> 	named: #notAllThatGray put: aColor    Add a new color to the list  
> and create an access message and a class variable for it.
> 	fromUser	Shows the palette of colors available at this display  
> depth.  Click anywhere to return the color you clicked on.
> 	hotColdShades: thisMany	An array of thisMany colors showing  
> temperature from blue to red to white hot.
>     stdColorsForDepth: d        An Array of colors available at  
> this depth.  For 16 bit and 32 bits, returns a ColorGenerator.  It  
> responds to at: with a Color for that index, simulating a very big  
> Array.
>    colorFromPixelValue: value depth: d    Returns a Color whose bit  
> pattern (inside a Bitmap) at this depth is the number specified.   
> Normal users do not need to use this.
> (See also comments in these classes: Form, Bitmap, BitBlt, Pattern,  
> MaskedForm.)!
> !Color methodsFor: 'access'!
> alpha
> 	"Return the opacity ('alpha') value of opaque so that normal  
> colors can be compared to TransparentColors."
> 	^ 1.0
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'access'!
> blue
> 	"Return the blue component of this color, a float in the range  
> [0.0..1.0]."
> 	^ self privateBlue asFloat / ComponentMax! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'access'!
> brightness
> 	"Return the brightness of this color, a float in the range  
> [0.0..1.0]."
> 	^ ((self privateRed max:
> 	    self privateGreen) max:
> 	    self privateBlue) asFloat / ComponentMax! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'access'!
> green
> 	"Return the green component of this color, a float in the range  
> [0.0..1.0]."
> 	^ self privateGreen asFloat / ComponentMax! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'access'!
> hue
> 	"Return the hue of this color, an angle in the range [0.0..360.0]."
> 	| r g b max min span h |
> 	r _ self privateRed.
> 	g _ self privateGreen.
> 	b _ self privateBlue.
> 	max _ ((r max: g) max: b).
> 	min _ ((r min: g) min: b).
> 	span _ (max - min) asFloat.
> 	span = 0.0 ifTrue: [ ^ 0.0 ].
> 	r = max ifTrue: [
> 		h _ ((g - b) asFloat / span) * 60.0.
> 	] ifFalse: [
> 		g = max
> 			ifTrue: [ h _ 120.0 + (((b - r) asFloat / span) * 60.0). ]
> 			ifFalse: [ h _ 240.0 + (((r - g) asFloat / span) * 60.0). ].
> 	].
> 	h < 0.0 ifTrue: [ h _ 360.0 + h ].
> 	^ h! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'access'!
> luminance
> 	"Return the luminance of this color, a brightness value weighted  
> by the human eye's color sensitivity."
> 	^ ((299 * self privateRed) +
> 	   (587 * self privateGreen) +
> 	   (114 * self privateBlue)) / (1000 * ComponentMax)
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'access'!
> red
> 	"Return the red component of this color, a float in the range  
> [0.0..1.0]."
> 	^ self privateRed asFloat / ComponentMax! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'access'!
> saturation
> 	"Return the saturation of this color, a value between 0.0 and 1.0."
> 	| r g b max min |
> 	r _ self privateRed.
> 	g _ self privateGreen.
> 	b _ self privateBlue.
> 	max _ min _ r.
> 	g > max ifTrue: [max _ g].
> 	b > max ifTrue: [max _ b].
> 	g < min ifTrue: [min _ g].
> 	b < min ifTrue: [min _ b].
> 	max = 0
> 		ifTrue: [ ^ 0.0 ]
> 		ifFalse: [ ^ (max - min) asFloat / max asFloat ].
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'ar 11/2/1998 12:19'!
> asColor
> 	"Convert the receiver into a color"
> 	^self! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'TBn 6/15/2000 20:37'!
> asColorref
> 	"Convert the receiver into a colorref"
> 	^(self red * 255) asInteger + ((self green * 255) asInteger << 8)  
> + ((self green * 255) asInteger << 16)! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'st 9/27/2004 13:42'!
> asHTMLColor
> 	^ '#', (self class hex: self red), (self class hex: self green),  
> (self class hex: self blue)! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'sw 10/27/1999 10:51'!
> asNontranslucentColor
> 	^ self! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'di 3/25/2000 10:13'!
> balancedPatternForDepth: depth
> 	"A generalization of bitPatternForDepth: as it exists.  Generates  
> a 2x2 stipple of color.
> 	The topLeft and bottomRight pixel are closest approx to this color"
> 	| pv1 pv2 mask1 mask2 pv3 c |
> 	(depth == cachedDepth and:[cachedBitPattern size = 2]) ifTrue: [^  
> cachedBitPattern].
> 	(depth between: 4 and: 16) ifFalse: [^ self bitPatternForDepth:  
> depth].
> 	cachedDepth _ depth.
> 	pv1 _ self pixelValueForDepth: depth.
> "
> 	Subtract error due to pv1 to get pv2.
> 	pv2 _ (self - (err1 _ (Color colorFromPixelValue: pv1 depth:  
> depth) - self))
> 						pixelValueForDepth: depth.
> 	Subtract error due to 2 pv1's and pv2 to get pv3.
> 	pv3 _ (self - err1 - err1 - ((Color colorFromPixelValue: pv2  
> depth: depth) - self))
> 						pixelValueForDepth: depth.
> "
> 	"Above two statements computed faster by the following..."
> 	pv2 _ (c _ self - ((Color colorFromPixelValue: pv1 depth: depth) -  
> self))
> 						pixelValueForDepth: depth.
> 	pv3 _ (c + (c - (Color colorFromPixelValue: pv2 depth: depth)))
> 						pixelValueForDepth: depth.
> 	"Return to a 2-word bitmap that encodes a 2x2 stipple of the given  
> pixelValues."
> 	mask1 _ (#(- - -	
> 			16r01010101 - - -			"replicates every other 4 bits"
> 			16r00010001 - - - - - - -	"replicates every other 8 bits"
> 			16r00000001) at: depth).	"replicates every other 16 bits"
> 	mask2 _ (#(- - -	
> 			16r10101010 - - -			"replicates the other 4 bits"
> 			16r01000100 - - - - - - -	"replicates the other 8 bits"
> 			16r00010000) at: depth).	"replicates the other 16 bits"
> 	^ cachedBitPattern _ Bitmap with: (mask1*pv1) + (mask2*pv2) with:  
> (mask1*pv3) + (mask2*pv1)! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'hmm 4/25/2000 09:40'!
> bitPatternForDepth: depth
> 	"Return a Bitmap, possibly containing a stipple pattern, that best  
> represents this color at the given depth. BitBlt calls this method  
> to convert colors into Bitmaps. The resulting Bitmap may be  
> multiple words to represent a stipple pattern of several lines.  "
> 	"See also:	pixelValueAtDepth:	-- value for single pixel
> 				pixelWordAtDepth:	-- a 32-bit word filled with the pixel value"
> 	"Details: The pattern for the most recently requested depth is  
> cached."
> 	"Note for depths > 2, there are stippled and non-stippled versions  
> (generated with #balancedPatternForDepth: and #bitPatternForDepth:,  
> respectively). The stippled versions don't work with the window bit  
> caching of StandardSystemView, so we make sure that for these  
> depths, only unstippled patterns are returned"
> 	(depth == cachedDepth and: [depth <= 2 or: [cachedBitPattern size  
> = 1]]) ifTrue: [^ cachedBitPattern].
> 	cachedDepth _ depth.
> 	depth > 2 ifTrue: [^ cachedBitPattern _ Bitmap with: (self  
> pixelWordForDepth: depth)].
> 	depth = 1 ifTrue: [^ cachedBitPattern _ self halfTonePattern1].
> 	depth = 2 ifTrue: [^ cachedBitPattern _ self halfTonePattern2].
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions'!
> closestPixelValue1
> 	"Return the nearest approximation to this color for a monochrome  
> Form."
> 	"fast special cases"
> 	rgb = 0 ifTrue: [^ 1].  "black"
> 	rgb = 16r3FFFFFFF ifTrue: [^ 0].  "white"
> 	self luminance > 0.5
> 		ifTrue: [^ 0]  "white"
> 		ifFalse: [^ 1].  "black"
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions'!
> closestPixelValue2
> 	"Return the nearest approximation to this color for a 2-bit deep  
> Form."
> 	| lum |
> 	"fast special cases"
> 	rgb = 0 ifTrue: [^ 1].  "black"
> 	rgb = 16r3FFFFFFF ifTrue: [^ 2].  "opaque white"
> 	lum _ self luminance.
> 	lum < 0.2 ifTrue: [^ 1].  "black"
> 	lum > 0.6 ifTrue: [^ 2].  "opaque white"
> 	^ 3  "50% gray"
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions'!
> closestPixelValue4
> 	"Return the nearest approximation to this color for a 4-bit deep  
> Form."
> 	| bIndex |
> 	"fast special cases"
> 	rgb = 0 ifTrue: [^ 1].  "black"
> 	rgb = 16r3FFFFFFF ifTrue: [^ 2].  "opaque white"
> 	rgb = PureRed privateRGB ifTrue: [^ 4].
> 	rgb = PureGreen privateRGB ifTrue: [^ 5].
> 	rgb = PureBlue privateRGB ifTrue: [^ 6].
> 	rgb = PureCyan privateRGB ifTrue: [^ 7].
> 	rgb = PureYellow privateRGB ifTrue: [^ 8].
> 	rgb = PureMagenta privateRGB ifTrue: [^ 9].
> 	bIndex _ (self luminance * 8.0) rounded.  "bIndex in [0..8]"
> 	^ #(
> 		1	"black"
> 		10	"1/8 gray"
> 		11	"2/8 gray"
> 		12	"3/8 gray"
> 		3	"4/8 gray"
> 		13	"5/8 gray"
> 		14	"6/8 gray"
> 		15	"7/8 gray"
> 		2	"opaque white"
> 	) at: bIndex + 1.
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions'!
> closestPixelValue8
> 	"Return the nearest approximation to this color for an 8-bit deep  
> Form."
> 	"fast special cases"
> 	rgb = 0 ifTrue: [^ 1].  "black"
> 	rgb = 16r3FFFFFFF ifTrue: [^ 255].  "white"
> 	self saturation < 0.2 ifTrue: [
> 		^ GrayToIndexMap at: (self privateGreen >> 2) + 1.  "nearest gray"
> 	] ifFalse: [
> 		"compute nearest entry in the color cube"
> 		^ 40 +
> 		  ((((self privateRed * 5) + HalfComponentMask) // ComponentMask)  
> * 36) +
> 		  ((((self privateBlue * 5) + HalfComponentMask) //  
> ComponentMask) * 6) +
> 		  (((self privateGreen * 5) + HalfComponentMask) // ComponentMask)].
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'di 9/2/97 20:21'!
> dominantColor
> 	^ self! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'di 6/23/97 23:27'!
> halfTonePattern1
> 	"Return a halftone-pattern to approximate luminance levels on 1- 
> bit deep Forms."
> 	| lum |
> 	lum _ self luminance.
> 	lum < 0.1 ifTrue: [^ Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFF]. "black"
> 	lum < 0.4 ifTrue: [^ Bitmap with: 16rBBBBBBBB with: 16rEEEEEEEE].  
> "dark gray"
> 	lum < 0.6 ifTrue: [^ Bitmap with: 16r55555555 with: 16rAAAAAAAA].  
> "medium gray"
> 	lum < 0.9 ifTrue: [^ Bitmap with: 16r44444444 with: 16r11111111].  
> "light gray"
> 	^ Bitmap with: 0  "1-bit white"
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions'!
> halfTonePattern2
> 	"Return a halftone-pattern to approximate luminance levels on 2- 
> bit deep Forms."
> 	| lum |
> 	lum _ self luminance.
> 	lum < 0.125 ifTrue: [^ Bitmap with: 16r55555555].  "black"
> 	lum < 0.25 ifTrue: [^ Bitmap with: 16r55555555 with:  
> 16rDDDDDDDD].  "1/8 gray"
> 	lum < 0.375 ifTrue: [^ Bitmap with: 16rDDDDDDDD with:  
> 16r77777777].  "2/8 gray"
> 	lum < 0.5 ifTrue: [^ Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFF with: 16r77777777].   
> "3/8 gray"
> 	lum < 0.625 ifTrue: [^ Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFF].  "4/8 gray"
> 	lum < 0.75 ifTrue: [^ Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFF with:  
> 16rBBBBBBBB].  "5/8 gray"
> 	lum < 0.875 ifTrue: [^ Bitmap with: 16rEEEEEEEE with:  
> 16rBBBBBBBB].  "6/8 gray"
> 	lum < 1.0 ifTrue: [^ Bitmap with: 16rAAAAAAAA with: 16rBBBBBBBB].   
> "7/8 gray"
> 	^ Bitmap with: 16rAAAAAAAA  "opaque white"
> "handy expression for computing patterns for 2x2 tiles;
>  set p to a string of 4 letters (e.g., 'wggw' for a gray-and-
>  white checkerboard) and print the result of evaluating:
> | p d w1 w2 |
> p _ 'wggw'.
> d _ Dictionary new.
> d at: $b put: '01'.
> d at: $w put: '10'.
> d at: $g put: '11'.
> w1 _ (d at: (p at: 1)), (d at: (p at: 2)).
> w1 _ '2r', w1, w1, w1, w1, w1, w1, w1, w1, ' hex'.
> w2 _ (d at: (p at: 3)), (d at: (p at: 4)).
> w2 _ '2r', w2, w2, w2, w2, w2, w2, w2, w2, ' hex'.
> Array with: (Compiler evaluate: w1) with: (Compiler evaluate: w2)
> "! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'tk 4/24/97'!
> indexInMap: aColorMap
> 	"Return the index corresponding to this color in the given color  
> map. RGB colors are truncated to 3-, 4-, or 5-bits per color  
> component when indexing into such a colorMap.  "
> 	aColorMap size = 2 ifTrue: [^ (self pixelValueForDepth: 1) + 1].
> 	aColorMap size = 4 ifTrue: [^ (self pixelValueForDepth: 2) + 1].
> 	aColorMap size = 16 ifTrue: [^ (self pixelValueForDepth: 4) + 1].
> 	aColorMap size = 256 ifTrue: [^ (self pixelValueForDepth: 8) + 1].
> 	aColorMap size = 512 ifTrue: [^ (self pixelValueForDepth: 9) + 1].
> 	aColorMap size = 4096 ifTrue: [^ (self pixelValueForDepth: 12) + 1].
> 	aColorMap size = 32768 ifTrue: [^ (self pixelValueForDepth: 16) + 1].
> 	self error: 'unknown pixel depth'.
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'bf 4/18/2001 16:25'!
> makeForegroundColor
>         "Make a foreground color contrasting with me"
>         ^self luminance >= 0.5
>                 ifTrue: [Color black]
>                 ifFalse: [Color white]! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'ar 5/15/2001 16:12'!
> pixelValue32
> 	"Note: pixelWord not pixelValue so we include translucency"
> 	^self pixelWordForDepth: 32! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'jm 1/26/2001 15:11'!
> pixelValueForDepth: d
> 	"Returns an integer representing the bits that appear in a single  
> pixel of this color in a Form of the given depth. The depth must be  
> one of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32. Contrast with pixelWordForDepth: and  
> bitPatternForDepth:, which return either a 32-bit word packed with  
> the given pixel value or a multiple-word Bitmap containing a  
> pattern. The inverse is the class message colorFromPixelValue:depth:"
> 	"Details: For depths of 8 or less, the result is a colorMap index.  
> For depths of 16 and 32, it is a direct color value with 5 or 8  
> bits per color component."
> 	"Transparency: The pixel value zero is reserved for transparent.  
> For depths greater than 8, black maps to the darkest possible blue."
> 	| rgbBlack val |
> 	d = 8 ifTrue: [^ self closestPixelValue8].  "common case"
> 	d < 8 ifTrue: [
> 		d = 4 ifTrue: [^ self closestPixelValue4].
> 		d = 2 ifTrue: [^ self closestPixelValue2].
> 		d = 1 ifTrue: [^ self closestPixelValue1]].
> 	rgbBlack _ 1.  "closest black that is not transparent in RGB"
> 	d = 16 ifTrue: [
> 		"five bits per component; top bits ignored"
> 		val _ (((rgb bitShift: -15) bitAnd: 16r7C00) bitOr:
> 			 ((rgb bitShift: -10) bitAnd: 16r03E0)) bitOr:
> 			 ((rgb bitShift: -5) bitAnd: 16r001F).
> 		^ val = 0 ifTrue: [rgbBlack] ifFalse: [val]].
> 	d = 32 ifTrue: [
> 		"eight bits per component; top 8 bits set to all ones (opaque  
> alpha)"
> 		val _ LargePositiveInteger new: 4.
> 		val at: 3 put: ((rgb bitShift: -22) bitAnd: 16rFF).
> 		val at: 2 put: ((rgb bitShift: -12) bitAnd: 16rFF).
> 		val at: 1 put: ((rgb bitShift: -2) bitAnd: 16rFF).
> 		val = 0 ifTrue: [val at: 1 put: 1].  "closest non-transparent black"
> 		val at: 4 put: 16rFF.  "opaque alpha"
> 		^ val].
> 	d = 12 ifTrue: [  "for indexing a color map with 4 bits per color  
> component"
> 		val _ (((rgb bitShift: -18) bitAnd: 16r0F00) bitOr:
> 			 ((rgb bitShift: -12) bitAnd: 16r00F0)) bitOr:
> 			 ((rgb bitShift: -6) bitAnd: 16r000F).
> 		^ val = 0 ifTrue: [rgbBlack] ifFalse: [val]].
> 	d = 9 ifTrue: [  "for indexing a color map with 3 bits per color  
> component"
> 		val _ (((rgb bitShift: -21) bitAnd: 16r01C0) bitOr:
> 			 ((rgb bitShift: -14) bitAnd: 16r0038)) bitOr:
> 			 ((rgb bitShift: -7) bitAnd: 16r0007).
> 		^ val = 0 ifTrue: [rgbBlack] ifFalse: [val]].
> 	self error: 'unknown pixel depth: ', d printString
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'di 11/30/1998 09:03'!
> pixelWordFor: depth filledWith: pixelValue
> 	"Return to a 32-bit word that concatenates enough copies of the  
> given pixel value to fill the word (i.e., 32/depth copies). Depth  
> should be one of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32. The pixel value should be  
> an integer in 0..2^depth-1."
> 	| halfword |
> 	depth = 32 ifTrue: [^ pixelValue].
> 	depth = 16
> 		ifTrue: [halfword _ pixelValue]
> 		ifFalse: [halfword _ pixelValue *
> 					(#(16rFFFF				"replicates at every bit"
> 						16r5555 -			"replicates every 2 bits"
> 						16r1111 - - -			"replicates every 4 bits"
> 						16r0101) at: depth)	"replicates every 8 bits"].
> 	^ halfword bitOr: (halfword bitShift: 16)! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions'!
> pixelWordForDepth: depth
> 	"Return to a 32-bit word that concatenates enough copies of the  
> receiver's pixel value to fill the word (i.e., 32/depth copies).  
> Depth should be one of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32. The pixel value  
> should be an integer in 0..2^depth-1."
> 	| pixelValue |
> 	pixelValue _ self pixelValueForDepth: depth.
> 	^ self pixelWordFor: depth filledWith: pixelValue
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'conversions' stamp: 'ar 1/14/1999 15:28'!
> scaledPixelValue32
> 	"Return the alpha scaled pixel value for depth 32"
> 	^self pixelWordForDepth: 32! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'copying' stamp: 'tk 8/19/1998 16:12'!
> veryDeepCopyWith: deepCopier
> 	"Return self.  I am immutable in the Morphic world.  Do not record  
> me."! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'equality' stamp: 'di 1/6/1999 20:26'!
> = aColor
> 	"Return true if the receiver equals the given color. This method  
> handles TranslucentColors, too."
> 	aColor isColor ifFalse: [^ false].
> 	^ aColor privateRGB = rgb and:
> 		[aColor privateAlpha = self privateAlpha]
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'equality' stamp: 'di 9/27/2000 08:07'!
> diff: theOther
> 	"Returns a number between 0.0 and 1.0"
> 	^ ((self privateRed - theOther privateRed) abs
> 		+ (self privateGreen - theOther privateGreen) abs
> 		+ (self privateBlue - theOther privateBlue) abs)
> 		/ 3.0 / ComponentMax! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'equality'!
> hash
> 	^ rgb! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'groups of shades' stamp: 'tk 6/18/96'!
> darkShades: thisMany
> 	"An array of thisMany colors from black to the receiver.  Array is  
> of length num. Very useful for displaying color based on a variable  
> in your program.  "
> 	"Color showColors: (Color red darkShades: 12)"
> 	^ self class black mix: self shades: thisMany
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'groups of shades' stamp: 'tk 6/18/96'!
> lightShades: thisMany
> 	"An array of thisMany colors from white to self. Very useful for  
> displaying color based on a variable in your program.  "
> 	"Color showColors: (Color red lightShades: 12)"
> 	^ self class white mix: self shades: thisMany
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'groups of shades' stamp: 'tk 6/18/96'!
> mix: color2 shades: thisMany
> 	"Return an array of thisMany colors from self to color2. Very  
> useful for displaying color based on a variable in your program.  "
> 	"Color showColors: (Color red mix: Color green shades: 12)"
> 	| redInc greenInc blueInc rr gg bb c out |
> 	thisMany = 1 ifTrue: [^ Array with: color2].
> 	redInc _ color2 red - self red / (thisMany-1).
> 	greenInc _ color2 green - self green / (thisMany-1).
> 	blueInc _ color2 blue - self blue / (thisMany-1).
> 	rr _ self red.  gg _ self green.  bb _ self blue.
> 	out _ (1 to: thisMany) collect: [:num |
> 		c _ Color r: rr g: gg b: bb.
> 		rr _ rr + redInc.
> 		gg _ gg + greenInc.
> 		bb _ bb + blueInc.
> 		c].
> 	out at: out size put: color2.	"hide roundoff errors"
> 	^ out
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'groups of shades' stamp: 'di 10/23/2000 09:45'!
> wheel: thisMany
> 	"An array of thisMany colors around the color wheel starting at  
> self and ending all the way around the hue space just before self.   
> Array is of length thisMany.  Very useful for displaying color  
> based on a variable in your program.  "
> 	| sat bri hue step c |
> 	sat _ self saturation.
> 	bri _ self brightness.
> 	hue _ self hue.
> 	step _ 360.0 / (thisMany max: 1).
> 	^ (1 to: thisMany) collect: [:num |
> 		c _ Color h: hue s: sat v: bri.  "hue is taken mod 360"
> 		hue _ hue + step.
> 		c].
> "
> (Color wheel: 8) withIndexDo: [:c :i | Display fill: (i*10 at 20  
> extent: 10 at 20) fillColor: c]
> "! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'Morphic menu' stamp: 'dgd 10/17/2003 12:10'!
> addFillStyleMenuItems: aMenu hand: aHand from: aMorph
> 	"Add the items for changing the current fill style of the receiver"
> 	aMenu add: 'change color...' translated target: self selector:  
> #changeColorIn:event: argument: aMorph! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'Morphic menu' stamp: 'ar 10/5/2000 18:50'!
> changeColorIn: aMorph event: evt
> 	"Note: This is just a workaround to make sure we don't use the old  
> color inst var"
> 	aMorph changeColorTarget: aMorph selector: #fillStyle:  
> originalColor: self hand: evt hand! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'other' stamp: 'sw 2/16/98 03:42'!
> colorForInsets
> 	^ self! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'other' stamp: 'tk 6/14/96'!
> display
> 	"Show a swatch of this color tracking the cursor until the next  
> mouseClick. "
> 	"Color red display"
> 	| f |
> 	f _ Form extent: 40 at 20 depth: Display depth.
> 	f fillColor: self.
> 	Cursor blank showWhile:
> 		[f follow: [Sensor cursorPoint] while: [Sensor noButtonPressed]]! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'other' stamp: 'jm 12/4/97 10:24'!
> name
> 	"Return this color's name, or nil if it has no name. Only returns  
> a name if it exactly matches the named color."
> 	ColorNames do:
> 		[:name | (Color perform: name) = self ifTrue: [^ name]].
> 	^ nil
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'other' stamp: 'ar 8/16/2001 12:47'!
> raisedColor
> 	^ self! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'other' stamp: 'jm 12/4/97 10:27'!
> rgbTriplet
> 	"Color fromUser rgbTriplet"
> 	^ Array
> 		with: (self red roundTo: 0.01)
> 		with: (self green roundTo: 0.01)
> 		with: (self blue roundTo: 0.01)
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'MPW 1/1/1901 22:14'!
> byteEncode: aStream
> 	aStream
> 		print: '(';
> 		print: self class name;
> 		print: ' r: ';
> 		write: (self red roundTo: 0.001);
> 		print: ' g: ';
> 		write: (self green roundTo: 0.001);
> 		print: ' b: ';
> 		write: (self blue roundTo: 0.001) ;
> 		print: ')'.
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'bf 5/25/2000 16:52'!
> printOn: aStream
> 	| name |
> 	(name _ self name) ifNotNil:
> 		[^ aStream
> 			nextPutAll: 'Color ';
> 			nextPutAll: name].
> 	self storeOn: aStream.
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'printing'!
> shortPrintString
> 	"Return a short (but less precise) print string for use where  
> space is tight."
> 	| s |
> 	s _ WriteStream on: ''.
> 	s
> 		nextPutAll: '(' , self class name;
> 		nextPutAll: ' r: ';
> 		nextPutAll: (self red roundTo: 0.01) printString;
> 		nextPutAll: ' g: ';
> 		nextPutAll: (self green roundTo: 0.01) printString;
> 		nextPutAll: ' b: ';
> 		nextPutAll: (self blue roundTo: 0.01) printString;
> 		nextPutAll: ')'.
> 	^ s contents
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'mir 7/21/1999 11:41'!
> storeArrayOn: aStream
> 	aStream nextPutAll: '#('.
> 	self storeArrayValuesOn: aStream.
> 	aStream nextPutAll: ') '
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'mir 7/21/1999 11:41'!
> storeArrayValuesOn: aStream
> 	(self red roundTo: 0.001) storeOn: aStream.
> 	aStream space.
> 	(self green roundTo: 0.001) storeOn: aStream.
> 	aStream space.
> 	(self blue roundTo: 0.001) storeOn: aStream.
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'di 9/27/2000 13:34'!
> storeOn: aStream
> 	aStream
> 		nextPutAll: '(' , self class name;
> 		nextPutAll: ' r: '; print: (self red roundTo: 0.001);
> 		nextPutAll: ' g: '; print: (self green roundTo: 0.001);
> 		nextPutAll: ' b: '; print: (self blue roundTo: 0.001);
> 		nextPutAll: ')'.
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'queries' stamp: 'sw 9/27/2001 17:26'!
> basicType
> 	"Answer a symbol representing the inherent type of the receiver"
> 	^ #Color! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'queries' stamp: 'ar 1/14/1999 15:27'!
> isBitmapFill
> 	^false! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'queries' stamp: 'ar 11/12/1998 19:43'!
> isBlack
> 	"Return true if the receiver represents black"
> 	^rgb = 0! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'queries'!
> isColor
> 	^ true
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'queries' stamp: 'ar 6/18/1999 06:58'!
> isGradientFill
> 	^false! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'queries' stamp: 'ar 11/12/1998 19:44'!
> isGray
> 	"Return true if the receiver represents a shade of gray"
> 	^(self privateRed = self privateGreen) and:[self privateRed = self  
> privateBlue]! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'queries' stamp: 'ar 4/20/2001 04:33'!
> isOpaque
> 	^true! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'queries' stamp: 'ar 6/18/1999 07:57'!
> isOrientedFill
> 	"Return true if the receiver keeps an orientation (e.g., origin,  
> direction, and normal)"
> 	^false! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'queries' stamp: 'ar 11/7/1998 20:20'!
> isSolidFill
> 	^true! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'queries' stamp: 'di 12/30/1998 14:33'!
> isTranslucent
> 	^ false
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'queries' stamp: 'di 1/3/1999 12:23'!
> isTranslucentColor
> 	"This means: self isTranslucent, but isTransparent not"
> 	^ false! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'queries'!
> isTransparent
> 	^ false
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'self evaluating' stamp: 'sd 7/31/2005 21:46'!
> isSelfEvaluating
> 	^ self class == Color! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'fbs 2/3/2005 13:09'!
> * aNumberOrArray
> 	"Answer this color with its RGB multiplied by the given number, or
> 	 multiply this color's RGB values by the corresponding entries in the
> 	given array."
> 	"(Color brown * 2) display"
> 	"(Color brown * #(1 0 1)) display"
> 	| multipliers |
> 	multipliers := aNumberOrArray isCollection
> 		ifTrue: [aNumberOrArray]
> 		ifFalse:
> 			[Array
> 				with: aNumberOrArray
> 				with: aNumberOrArray
> 				with: aNumberOrArray].
> 	^ Color basicNew
> 		setPrivateRed: (self privateRed * multipliers first) asInteger
> 		green: (self privateGreen * multipliers second) asInteger
> 		blue: (self privateBlue * multipliers third) asInteger.! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'di 11/2/97 14:05'!
> + aColor
> 	"Answer this color mixed with the given color in an additive color  
> space.  "
> 	"(Color blue + Color green) display"
> 	^ Color basicNew
> 		setPrivateRed: self privateRed + aColor privateRed
> 		green: self privateGreen + aColor privateGreen
> 		blue: self privateBlue + aColor  privateBlue
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'di 11/2/97 14:05'!
> - aColor
> 	"Answer aColor is subtracted from the given color in an additive  
> color space.  "
> 	"(Color white - Color red) display"
> 	^ Color basicNew
> 		setPrivateRed: self privateRed - aColor privateRed
> 		green: self privateGreen - aColor privateGreen
> 		blue: self privateBlue - aColor  privateBlue
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'di 11/2/97 14:07'!
> / aNumber
> 	"Answer this color with its RGB divided by the given number. "
> 	"(Color red / 2) display"
> 	^ Color basicNew
> 		setPrivateRed: (self privateRed / aNumber) asInteger
> 		green: (self privateGreen / aNumber) asInteger
> 		blue: (self privateBlue / aNumber) asInteger
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 3/19/2002 23:50'!
> adjustBrightness: brightness
> 	"Adjust the relative brightness of this color. (lowest value is  
> 0.005 so that hue information is not lost)"
> 	^ Color
> 		h: self hue
> 		s: self saturation
> 		v: (self brightness + brightness min: 1.0 max: 0.005)
> 		alpha: self alpha! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 3/19/2002 23:51'!
> adjustSaturation: saturation brightness: brightness
> 	"Adjust the relative saturation and brightness of this color.  
> (lowest value is 0.005 so that hue information is not lost)"
> 	^ Color
> 		h: self hue
> 		s: (self saturation + saturation min: 1.0 max: 0.005)
> 		v: (self brightness + brightness min: 1.0 max: 0.005)
> 		alpha: self alpha! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'sma 6/25/2000 15:36'!
> alpha: alphaValue
> 	"Answer a new Color with the given amount of opacity ('alpha')."
> 	alphaValue = 1.0
> 		ifFalse: [^ TranslucentColor basicNew setRgb: rgb alpha:  
> alphaValue]! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'tk 7/4/2000 11:55'!
> alphaMixed: proportion with: aColor
> 	"Answer this color mixed with the given color. The proportion, a  
> number
> 	between 0.0 and 1.0, determines what what fraction of the receiver to
> 	use in the mix. For example, 0.9 would yield a color close to the
> 	receiver. This method uses RGB interpolation; HSV interpolation  
> can lead
> 	to surprises.  Mixes the alphas (for transparency) also."
> 	| frac1 frac2 |
> 	frac1 _ proportion asFloat min: 1.0 max: 0.0.
> 	frac2 _ 1.0 - frac1.
> 	^ Color
> 		r: self red * frac1 + (aColor red * frac2)
> 		g: self green * frac1 + (aColor green * frac2)
> 		b: self blue * frac1 + (aColor blue * frac2)
> 		alpha: self alpha * frac1 + (aColor alpha * frac2)! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'RAA 6/2/2000 08:47'!
> atLeastAsLuminentAs: aFloat
> 	| revisedColor |
> 	revisedColor _ self.
> 	[revisedColor luminance < aFloat] whileTrue: [revisedColor _  
> revisedColor slightlyLighter].
> 	^revisedColor
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'nk 3/8/2004 09:43'!
> atMostAsLuminentAs: aFloat
> 	| revisedColor |
> 	revisedColor _ self.
> 	[revisedColor luminance > aFloat] whileTrue: [revisedColor _  
> revisedColor slightlyDarker].
> 	^revisedColor
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 3/23/2002 01:38'!
> blacker
> 	^ self alphaMixed: 0.8333 with: Color black
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 3/19/2002 23:54'!
> dansDarker
> 	"Return a darker shade of the same color.
> 	An attempt to do better than the current darker method.
> 	(now obsolete, since darker has been changed to do this. -dew)"
> 	^ Color h: self hue s: self saturation
> 		v: (self brightness - 0.16 max: 0.0)! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 3/4/2002 01:40'!
> darker
> 	"Answer a darker shade of this color."
> 	^ self adjustBrightness: -0.08! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 3/8/2002 00:13'!
> duller
> 	^ self adjustSaturation: -0.03 brightness: -0.2! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 1/23/2002 20:19'!
> lighter
> 	"Answer a lighter shade of this color."
> 	^ self adjustSaturation: -0.03 brightness: 0.08! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'tk 7/4/2000 12:00'!
> mixed: proportion with: aColor
> 	"Mix with another color and do not preserve transpareny.  Only use  
> this for extracting the RGB value and mixing it.  All other callers  
> should use instead:
> 	aColor alphaMixed: proportion with: anotherColor
> 	"
> 	| frac1 frac2 |
> 	frac1 _ proportion asFloat min: 1.0 max: 0.0.
> 	frac2 _ 1.0 - frac1.
> 	^ Color
> 		r: self red * frac1 + (aColor red * frac2)
> 		g: self green * frac1 + (aColor green * frac2)
> 		b: self blue * frac1 + (aColor blue * frac2)! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 1/19/2002 01:29'!
> muchDarker
> 	^ self alphaMixed: 0.5 with: Color black
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'tk 7/4/2000 12:07'!
> muchLighter
> 	^ self alphaMixed: 0.233 with: Color white
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'ar 6/19/1999 00:36'!
> negated
> 	"Return an RGB inverted color"
> 	^Color
> 		r: 1.0 - self red
> 		g: 1.0 - self green
> 		b: 1.0 - self blue! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'di 9/27/2000 08:14'!
> orColorUnlike: theOther
> 	"If this color is a lot like theOther, then return its complement,  
> otherwide, return self"
> 	(self diff: theOther) < 0.3
> 		ifTrue: [^ theOther negated]
> 		ifFalse: [^ self]! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 3/4/2002 01:42'!
> paler
> 	"Answer a paler shade of this color."
> 	^ self adjustSaturation: -0.09 brightness: 0.09
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 3/4/2002 01:43'!
> slightlyDarker
> 	^ self adjustBrightness: -0.03
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 3/4/2002 01:43'!
> slightlyLighter
> 	^ self adjustSaturation: -0.01 brightness: 0.03! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 1/19/2002 01:25'!
> slightlyWhiter
> 	^ self alphaMixed: 0.85 with: Color white
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 3/4/2002 01:44'!
> twiceDarker
> 	"Answer a significantly darker shade of this color."
> 	^ self adjustBrightness: -0.15! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 3/4/2002 01:45'!
> twiceLighter
> 	"Answer a significantly lighter shade of this color."
> 	^ self adjustSaturation: -0.06 brightness: 0.15! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'tk 7/4/2000 12:07'!
> veryMuchLighter
> 	^ self alphaMixed: 0.1165 with: Color white
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'transformations' stamp: 'dew 3/23/2002 01:38'!
> whiter
> 	^ self alphaMixed: 0.8333 with: Color white
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: '*eToys-other' stamp: 'sw 6/10/1998 17:50'!
> newTileMorphRepresentative
> 	^ ColorTileMorph new colorSwatchColor: self! !
> !Color methodsFor: '*MorphicExtras-*morphic-Postscript Canvases'!
> encodePostscriptOn: aStream
> 	aStream setrgbcolor:self.
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: '*nebraska-*nebraska-Morphic-Remote' stamp: 'RAA  
> 7/31/2000 17:25'!
> encodeForRemoteCanvas
> 	| encoded |
> 	CanvasEncoder at: 4 count:  1.
> 	(encoded := String new: 12)
> 		putInteger32: (rgb bitAnd: 16rFFFF) at: 1;
> 		putInteger32: (rgb >> 16) at: 5;
> 		putInteger32: self privateAlpha at: 9.
> 	^encoded! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'private'!
> attemptToMutateError
> 	"A color is immutable. Once a color's red, green, and blue have  
> been initialized, you cannot change them. Instead, create a new  
> Color and use it."
> 	self error: 'Color objects are immutable once created'
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'private'!
> flushCache
> 	"Flush my cached bit pattern."
> 	cachedDepth _ nil.
> 	cachedBitPattern _ nil.
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'private'!
> privateAlpha
> 	"Private!! Return the raw alpha value for opaque. Used only for  
> equality testing."
> 	^ 255! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'private'!
> privateBlue
> 	"Private!! Return the internal representation of my blue component."
> 	^ rgb bitAnd: ComponentMask! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'private'!
> privateGreen
> 	"Private!! Return the internal representation of my green component.
> 	Replaced >> by bitShift: 0 -. SqR!! 2/25/1999 23:08"
> 	^ (rgb bitShift: 0 - GreenShift) bitAnd: ComponentMask! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'private'!
> privateRGB
> 	"Private!! Return the internal representation of my RGB components."
> 	^ rgb
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'private'!
> privateRed
> 	"Private!! Return the internal representation of my red component."
> 	^ (rgb bitShift: 0 - RedShift) bitAnd: ComponentMask! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'private'!
> setHue: hue saturation: saturation brightness: brightness
> 	"Initialize this color to the given hue, saturation, and  
> brightness. See the comment in the instance creation method for  
> details."
> 	| s v hf i f p q t |
> 	s _ (saturation asFloat max: 0.0) min: 1.0.
> 	v _ (brightness asFloat max: 0.0) min: 1.0.
> 	"zero saturation yields gray with the given brightness"
> 	s = 0.0 ifTrue: [ ^ self setRed: v green: v blue: v ].
> 	hf _ hue asFloat.
> 	(hf < 0.0 or: [hf >= 360.0])
> 		ifTrue: [hf _ hf - ((hf quo: 360.0) asFloat * 360.0)].
> 	hf _ hf / 60.0.
> 	i _ hf asInteger.  "integer part of hue"
> 	f _ hf fractionPart.         "fractional part of hue"
> 	p _ (1.0 - s) * v.
> 	q _ (1.0 - (s * f)) * v.
> 	t _ (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - f))) * v.
> 	0 = i ifTrue: [ ^ self setRed: v green: t blue: p ].
> 	1 = i ifTrue: [ ^ self setRed: q green: v blue: p ].
> 	2 = i ifTrue: [ ^ self setRed: p green: v blue: t ].
> 	3 = i ifTrue: [ ^ self setRed: p green: q blue: v ].
> 	4 = i ifTrue: [ ^ self setRed: t green: p blue: v ].
> 	5 = i ifTrue: [ ^ self setRed: v green: p blue: q ].
> 	self error: 'implementation error'.
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'di 11/2/97 12:19'!
> setPrivateRed: r green: g blue: b
> 	"Initialize this color's r, g, and b components to the given  
> values in the range [0..ComponentMax].  Encoded in a single  
> variable as 3 integers in [0..1023]."
> 	rgb == nil ifFalse: [self attemptToMutateError].
> 	rgb _ ((r min: ComponentMask max: 0) bitShift: RedShift) +
> 		((g min: ComponentMask max: 0) bitShift: GreenShift) +
> 		 (b min: ComponentMask max: 0).
> 	cachedDepth _ nil.
> 	cachedBitPattern _ nil.
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'ls 9/24/1999 20:04'!
> setRGB: rgb0
> 	rgb == nil ifFalse: [self attemptToMutateError].
> 	rgb _ rgb0! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'private'!
> setRed: r green: g blue: b
> 	"Initialize this color's r, g, and b components to the given  
> values in the range [0.0..1.0].  Encoded in a single variable as 3  
> integers in [0..1023]."
> 	rgb == nil ifFalse: [self attemptToMutateError].
> 	rgb _
> 		(((r * ComponentMax) rounded bitAnd: ComponentMask) bitShift:  
> RedShift) +
> 		(((g * ComponentMax) rounded bitAnd: ComponentMask) bitShift:  
> GreenShift) +
> 		 ((b * ComponentMax) rounded bitAnd: ComponentMask).
> 	cachedDepth _ nil.
> 	cachedBitPattern _ nil.
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'private'!
> setRed: r green: g blue: b range: range
> 	"Initialize this color's r, g, and b components to the given  
> values in the range [0..r]."
> 	rgb == nil ifFalse: [self attemptToMutateError].
> 	rgb _
> 		((((r * ComponentMask) // range) bitAnd: ComponentMask) bitShift:  
> RedShift) +
> 		((((g * ComponentMask) // range) bitAnd: ComponentMask) bitShift:  
> GreenShift) +
> 		 (((b * ComponentMask) // range) bitAnd: ComponentMask).
> 	cachedDepth _ nil.
> 	cachedBitPattern _ nil.
> ! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'thumbnail' stamp: 'dgd 9/25/2004 23:26'!
> iconOrThumbnailOfSize: aNumberOrPoint
> 	"Answer an appropiate form to represent the receiver"
> 	| form |
> 	form := Form extent: aNumberOrPoint asPoint asPoint depth: 32.
> 	form fillColor: self.
> 	^ form! !
> !Color methodsFor: 'html' stamp: 'ms 6/13/2006 23:28'!
> printHtmlString
> 	"answer a string whose characters are the html representation
> 	of the receiver"
> 	^ (self red * 255) asInteger printStringHex , (self green * 255)  
> asInteger printStringHex , (self blue * 255) asInteger  
> printStringHex! !
> "-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!
> Color class
> 	instanceVariableNames: ''!
> !Color class methodsFor: 'class initialization'!
> initialize
> 	"Color initialize"
> 	"Details: Externally, the red, green, and blue components of color
> 	are floats in the range [0.0..1.0]. Internally, they are represented
> 	as integers in the range [0..ComponentMask] packing into a
> 	small integer to save space and to allow fast hashing and
> 	equality testing.
> 	For a general description of color representations for computer
> 	graphics, including the relationship between the RGB and HSV
> 	color models used here, see Chapter 17 of Foley and van Dam,
> 	Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics, Addison-Wesley,
> 	1982."
> 	ComponentMask _ 1023.
> 	HalfComponentMask _ 512.  "used to round up in integer calculations"
> 	ComponentMax _ 1023.0.  "a Float used to normalize components"
> 	RedShift _ 20.
> 	GreenShift _ 10.
> 	BlueShift _ 0.
> 	PureRed		 _ self r: 1 g: 0 b: 0.
> 	PureGreen	 _ self r: 0 g: 1 b: 0.
> 	PureBlue	 _ self r: 0 g: 0 b: 1.
> 	PureYellow	 _ self r: 1 g: 1 b: 0.
> 	PureCyan	 _ self r: 0 g: 1 b: 1.
> 	PureMagenta _ self r: 1 g: 0 b: 1.
> 	RandomStream _ Random new.
> 	self initializeIndexedColors.
> 	self initializeGrayToIndexMap.
> 	self initializeNames.
> 	self initializeHighLights.
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'class initialization'!
> initializeGrayToIndexMap
> 	"Build an array of gray values available in the 8-bit colormap.  
> This array is indexed by a gray level between black (1) and white  
> (256) and returns the pixel value for the corresponding gray level."
> 	"Note: This method must be called after initializeIndexedColors,  
> since it uses IndexedColors."
> 	"Color initializeGrayToIndexMap"
> 	| grayLevels grayIndices c distToClosest dist indexOfClosest |
> 	"record the level and index of each gray in the 8-bit color table"
> 	grayLevels _ OrderedCollection new.
> 	grayIndices _ OrderedCollection new.
> 	"Note: skip the first entry, which is reserved for transparent"
> 	2 to: IndexedColors size do: [:i |
> 		c _ IndexedColors at: i.
> 		c saturation = 0.0 ifTrue: [  "c is a gray"
> 			grayLevels add: (c privateBlue) >> 2.  "top 8 bits; R, G, and B  
> are the same"
> 			grayIndices add: i - 1]].  "pixel values are zero-based"
> 	grayLevels _ grayLevels asArray.
> 	grayIndices _ grayIndices asArray.
> 	"for each gray level in [0..255], select the closest match"
> 	GrayToIndexMap _ ByteArray new: 256.
> 	0 to: 255 do: [:level |
> 		distToClosest _ 10000.  "greater than distance to any real gray"
> 		1 to: grayLevels size do: [:i |
> 			dist _ (level - (grayLevels at: i)) abs.
> 			dist < distToClosest ifTrue: [
> 				distToClosest _ dist.
> 				indexOfClosest _ grayIndices at: i]].
> 		GrayToIndexMap at: (level + 1) put: indexOfClosest].
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'tk 6/22/96'!
> initializeHighLights
> 	"Create a set of Bitmaps for quickly reversing areas of the screen  
> without converting colors. "
> 	"Color initializeHighLights"
> 	| t |
> 	t _ Array new: 32.
> 	t at: 1 put: (Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFF).
> 	t at: 2 put: (Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFF).
> 	t at: 4 put: (Bitmap with: 16r55555555).
> 	t at: 8 put: (Bitmap with: 16r7070707).
> 	t at: 16 put: (Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFF).
> 	t at: 32 put: (Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFF).
> 	HighLightBitmaps _ t.
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'class initialization'!
> initializeIndexedColors
> 	"Build an array of colors corresponding to the fixed colormap used
> 	 for display depths of 1, 2, 4, or 8 bits."
> 	"Color initializeIndexedColors"
> 	| a index grayVal |
> 	a _ Array new: 256.
> 	"1-bit colors (monochrome)"
> 	a at: 1 put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 1.0 b: 1.0).		"white or transparent"
> 	a at: 2 put: (Color r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 0.0).	"black"
> 	"additional colors for 2-bit color"
> 	a at: 3 put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 1.0 b: 1.0).	"opaque white"
> 	a at: 4 put: (Color r: 0.5 g: 0.5 b: 0.5).	"1/2 gray"
> 	"additional colors for 4-bit color"
> 	a at:  5 put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 0.0 b: 0.0).	"red"
> 	a at:  6 put: (Color r: 0.0 g: 1.0 b: 0.0).	"green"
> 	a at:  7 put: (Color r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 1.0).	"blue"
> 	a at:  8 put: (Color r: 0.0 g: 1.0 b: 1.0).	"cyan"
> 	a at:  9 put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 1.0 b: 0.0).	"yellow"
> 	a at: 10 put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 0.0 b: 1.0).	"magenta"
> 	a at: 11 put: (Color r: 0.125 g: 0.125 b: 0.125).		"1/8 gray"
> 	a at: 12 put: (Color r: 0.25 g: 0.25 b: 0.25).		"2/8 gray"
> 	a at: 13 put: (Color r: 0.375 g: 0.375 b: 0.375).		"3/8 gray"
> 	a at: 14 put: (Color r: 0.625 g: 0.625 b: 0.625).		"5/8 gray"
> 	a at: 15 put: (Color r: 0.75 g: 0.75 b: 0.75).		"6/8 gray"
> 	a at: 16 put: (Color r: 0.875 g: 0.875 b: 0.875).		"7/8 gray"
> 	"additional colors for 8-bit color"
> 	"24 more shades of gray (1/32 increments but not repeating 1/8  
> increments)"
> 	index _ 17.
> 	1 to: 31 do: [:v |
> 		(v \\ 4) = 0 ifFalse: [
> 			grayVal _ v / 32.0.
> 			a at: index put: (Color r: grayVal g: grayVal b: grayVal).
> 			index _ index + 1]].
> 	"The remainder of color table defines a color cube with six steps
> 	 for each primary color. Note that the corners of this cube repeat
> 	 previous colors, but this simplifies the mapping between RGB colors
> 	 and color map indices. This color cube spans indices 40 through 255
> 	 (indices 41-256 in this 1-based array)."
> 	0 to: 5 do: [:r |
> 		0 to: 5 do: [:g |
> 			0 to: 5 do: [:b |
> 				index _ 41 + ((36 * r) + (6 * b) + g).
> 				index > 256 ifTrue: [
> 					self error: 'index out of range in color table compuation'].
> 				a at: index put: (Color r: r g: g b: b range: 5)]]].
> 	IndexedColors _ a.
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'dwh  
> 7/7/1999 23:57'!
> initializeNames
> 	"Name some colors."
> 	"Color initializeNames"
> 	ColorNames _ OrderedCollection new.
> 	self named: #black put: (Color r: 0 g: 0 b: 0).
> 	self named: #veryVeryDarkGray put: (Color r: 0.125 g: 0.125 b:  
> 0.125).
> 	self named: #veryDarkGray put: (Color r: 0.25 g: 0.25 b: 0.25).
> 	self named: #darkGray put: (Color r: 0.375 g: 0.375 b: 0.375).
> 	self named: #gray put: (Color r: 0.5 g: 0.5 b: 0.5).
> 	self named: #lightGray put: (Color r: 0.625 g: 0.625 b: 0.625).
> 	self named: #veryLightGray put: (Color r: 0.75 g: 0.75 b: 0.75).
> 	self named: #veryVeryLightGray put: (Color r: 0.875 g: 0.875 b:  
> 0.875).
> 	self named: #white put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 1.0 b: 1.0).
> 	self named: #red put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 0 b: 0).
> 	self named: #yellow put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 1.0 b: 0).
> 	self named: #green put: (Color r: 0 g: 1.0 b: 0).
> 	self named: #cyan put: (Color r: 0 g: 1.0 b: 1.0).
> 	self named: #blue put: (Color r: 0 g: 0 b: 1.0).
> 	self named: #magenta put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 0 b: 1.0).
> 	self named: #brown put: (Color r: 0.6 g: 0.2 b: 0).
> 	self named: #orange put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 0.6 b: 0).
> 	self named: #lightRed put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 0.8 b: 0.8).
> 	self named: #lightYellow put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 1.0 b: 0.8).
> 	self named: #lightGreen put: (Color r: 0.8 g: 1.0 b: 0.6).
> 	self named: #lightCyan put: (Color r: 0.4 g: 1.0 b: 1.0).
> 	self named: #lightBlue put: (Color r: 0.8 g: 1.0 b: 1.0).
> 	self named: #lightMagenta put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 0.8 b: 1.0).
> 	self named: #lightBrown put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 0.6 b: 0.2).
> 	self named: #lightOrange put: (Color r: 1.0 g: 0.8 b: 0.4).
> 	self named: #transparent put: (TranslucentColor new alpha: 0.0).
> 	self named: #paleBuff put: (Color r: 254 g: 250 b: 235 range: 255).
> 	self named: #paleBlue put: (Color r: 222 g: 249 b: 254 range: 255).
> 	self named: #paleYellow put: (Color r: 255 g: 255 b: 217 range: 255).
> 	self named: #paleGreen put: (Color r: 223 g: 255 b: 213 range: 255).
> 	self named: #paleRed put: (Color r: 255 g: 230 b: 230 range: 255).
> 	self named: #veryPaleRed put: (Color r: 255 g: 242 b: 242 range:  
> 255).
> 	self named: #paleTan put: (Color r: 235 g: 224 b: 199 range: 255).
> 	self named: #paleMagenta put: (Color r: 255 g: 230 b: 255 range:  
> 255).
> 	self named: #paleOrange put: (Color r: 253 g: 237 b: 215 range: 255).
> 	self named: #palePeach put: (Color r: 255 g: 237 b: 213 range: 255).
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'ar  
> 2/16/2000 21:56'!
> initializeTranslucentPatterns
> 	"Color initializeTranslucentPatterns"
> 	| mask bits pattern patternList |
> 	TranslucentPatterns _ Array new: 8.
> 	#(1 2 4 8) do:[:d|
> 		patternList _ Array new: 5.
> 		mask _ (1 bitShift: d) - 1.
> 		bits _ 2 * d.
> 		[bits >= 32] whileFalse: [
> 			mask _ mask bitOr: (mask bitShift: bits).  "double the length of  
> mask"
> 			bits _ bits + bits].
> 		"0% pattern"
> 		pattern _ Bitmap with: 0 with: 0.
> 		patternList at: 1 put: pattern.
> 		"25% pattern"
> 		pattern _ Bitmap with: mask with: 0.
> 		patternList at: 2 put: pattern.
> 		"50% pattern"
> 		pattern _ Bitmap with: mask with: mask bitInvert32.
> 		patternList at: 3 put: pattern.
> 		"75% pattern"
> 		pattern _ Bitmap with: mask with: 16rFFFFFFFF.
> 		patternList at: 4 put: pattern.
> 		"100% pattern"
> 		pattern _ Bitmap with: 16rFFFFFFFF with: 16rFFFFFFFF.
> 		patternList at: 5 put: pattern.
> 		TranslucentPatterns at: d put: patternList.
> 	].! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'tk 6/13/96'!
> named: newName put: aColor
> 	"Add a new color to the list and create an access message and a  
> class variable for it.  The name should start with a lowercase  
> letter.  (The class variable will start with an uppercase letter.)   
> (Color colorNames) returns a list of all color names.  "
> 	| str cap sym accessor csym |
> 	(aColor isKindOf: self) ifFalse: [^ self error: 'not a Color'].
> 	str _ newName asString.
> 	sym _ str asSymbol.
> 	cap _ str capitalized.
> 	csym _ cap asSymbol.
> 	(self class canUnderstand: sym) ifFalse: [
> 		"define access message"
> 		accessor _ str, (String with: Character cr with: Character tab),  
> 			'^', cap.
> 		self class compile: accessor
> 			classified: 'named colors'].
> 	(self classPool includesKey: csym) ifFalse: [
> 		self addClassVarName: cap].
> 	(ColorNames includes: sym) ifFalse: [
> 		ColorNames add: sym].
> 	^ self classPool at: csym put: aColor! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'color from user' stamp: 'jm 12/5/97 18:35'!
> colorPaletteForDepth: depth extent: chartExtent
> 	"Display a palette of colors sorted horizontally by hue and  
> vertically by lightness. Useful for eyeballing the color gamut of  
> the display, or for choosing a color interactively."
> 	"Note: It is slow to build this palette, so it should be cached  
> for quick access."
> 	"(Color colorPaletteForDepth: 16 extent: 190 at 60) display"
> 	| basicHue x y c startHue palette transHt vSteps transCaption  
> grayWidth hSteps |
> 	palette _ Form extent: chartExtent depth: depth.
> 	transCaption _ "(DisplayText text: 'no color' asText textStyle:  
> (TextConstants at: #ComicPlain)) form storeString"
> 		(Form extent: 34 at 9 depth: 1
> 			fromArray: #(0 0 256 0 256 0 3808663859 2147483648 2491688266  
> 2147483648 2491688266 0 2491688266 0 2466486578 0 0 0)
> 			offset: 0 at 0).
> 	transHt _ transCaption height.
> 	palette fillWhite: (0 at 0 extent: palette width at transHt).
> 	palette fillBlack: (0 at transHt extent: palette width at 1).
> 	transCaption displayOn: palette at: palette boundingBox topCenter  
> - ((transCaption width // 2)@0).
> 	grayWidth _ 10.
> 	startHue _ 338.0.
> 	vSteps _ palette height - transHt // 2.
> 	hSteps _ palette width - grayWidth.
> 	x _ 0.
> 	startHue to: startHue + 360.0 by: 360.0/hSteps do: [:h |
> 		basicHue _ Color h: h asFloat s: 1.0 v: 1.0.
> 		y _ transHt+1.
> 		0 to: vSteps do: [:n |
>  			c _ basicHue mixed: (n asFloat / vSteps asFloat) with: Color  
> white.
> 			palette fill: (x at y extent: 1 at 1) fillColor: c.
> 			y _ y + 1].
> 		1 to: vSteps do: [:n |
>  			c _ Color black mixed: (n asFloat / vSteps asFloat) with:  
> basicHue.
> 			palette fill: (x at y extent: 1 at 1) fillColor: c.
> 			y _ y + 1].
> 		x _ x + 1].
> 	y _ transHt + 1.
> 	1 to: vSteps * 2 do: [:n |
>  		c _ Color black mixed: (n asFloat / (vSteps*2) asFloat) with:  
> Color white.
> 		palette fill: (x at y extent: 10 at 1) fillColor: c.
> 		y _ y + 1].
> 	^ palette
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'color from user' stamp: 'jm 1/19/1999  
> 11:33'!
> colorTest: depth extent: chartExtent colorMapper: colorMapper
> 	"Create a palette of colors sorted horizontally by hue and  
> vertically by lightness. Useful for eyeballing the color gamut of  
> the display, or for choosing a color interactively."
> 	"Note: It is slow to build this palette, so it should be cached  
> for quick access."
> 	"(Color colorTest: 32 extent: 570 at 180 colorMapper: [:c | c]) display"
> 	"(Color colorTest: 32 extent: 570 at 180 colorMapper:
> 		[:c | Color
> 			r: (c red * 7) asInteger / 7
> 			g: (c green * 7) asInteger / 7
> 			b: (c blue * 3) asInteger / 3]) display"
> 	"(Color colorTest: 32 extent: 570 at 180 colorMapper:
> 		[:c | Color
> 			r: (c red * 5) asInteger / 5
> 			g: (c green * 5) asInteger / 5
> 			b: (c blue * 5) asInteger / 5]) display"
> 	"(Color colorTest: 32 extent: 570 at 180 colorMapper:
> 		[:c | Color
> 			r: (c red * 15) asInteger / 15
> 			g: (c green * 15) asInteger / 15
> 			b: (c blue * 15) asInteger / 15]) display"
> 	"(Color colorTest: 32 extent: 570 at 180 colorMapper:
> 		[:c | Color
> 			r: (c red * 31) asInteger / 31
> 			g: (c green * 31) asInteger / 31
> 			b: (c blue * 31) asInteger / 31]) display"
> 	| basicHue x y c startHue palette transHt vSteps transCaption  
> grayWidth hSteps |
> 	palette _ Form extent: chartExtent depth: depth.
> 	transCaption _ "(DisplayText text: 'no color' asText textStyle:  
> (TextConstants at: #ComicPlain)) form storeString"
> 		(Form extent: 34 at 9 depth: 1
> 			fromArray: #(0 0 256 0 256 0 3808663859 2147483648 2491688266  
> 2147483648 2491688266 0 2491688266 0 2466486578 0 0 0)
> 			offset: 0 at 0).
> 	transHt _ transCaption height.
> 	palette fillWhite: (0 at 0 extent: palette width at transHt).
> 	palette fillBlack: (0 at transHt extent: palette width at 1).
> 	transCaption displayOn: palette at: palette boundingBox topCenter  
> - ((transCaption width // 2)@0).
> 	grayWidth _ 10.
> 	startHue _ 338.0.
> 	vSteps _ palette height - transHt // 2.
> 	hSteps _ palette width - grayWidth.
> 	x _ 0.
> 	startHue to: startHue + 360.0 by: 360.0/hSteps do: [:h |
> 		basicHue _ Color h: h asFloat s: 1.0 v: 1.0.
> 		y _ transHt+1.
> 		0 to: vSteps do: [:n |
>  			c _ basicHue mixed: (n asFloat / vSteps asFloat) with: Color  
> white.
> 			c _ colorMapper value: c.
> 			palette fill: (x at y extent: 1 at 1) fillColor: c.
> 			y _ y + 1].
> 		1 to: vSteps do: [:n |
>  			c _ Color black mixed: (n asFloat / vSteps asFloat) with:  
> basicHue.
> 			c _ colorMapper value: c.
> 			palette fill: (x at y extent: 1 at 1) fillColor: c.
> 			y _ y + 1].
> 		x _ x + 1].
> 	y _ transHt + 1.
> 	1 to: vSteps * 2 do: [:n |
>  		c _ Color black mixed: (n asFloat / (vSteps*2) asFloat) with:  
> Color white.
> 		c _ colorMapper value: c.
> 		palette fill: (x at y extent: 10 at 1) fillColor: c.
> 		y _ y + 1].
> 	^ palette
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'color from user' stamp: 'di 4/13/1999  
> 14:30'!
> fromUser
> 	"Displays a color palette of colors, waits for a mouse click, and  
> returns the selected color. Any pixel on the Display can be chosen,  
> not just those in the color palette."
> 	"Note: Since the color chart is cached, you may need to do  
> 'ColorChart _ nil' after changing the  
> oldColorPaletteForDepth:extent: method."
> 	"Color fromUser"
> 	| d startPt save tr oldColor c here s |
> 	d _ Display depth.
> 	((ColorChart == nil) or: [ColorChart depth ~= Display depth])
> 		ifTrue: [ColorChart _ self oldColorPaletteForDepth: d extent: (2  
> * 144)@80].
> 	Sensor cursorPoint y < Display center y
> 		ifTrue: [startPt _ 0@(Display boundingBox bottom - ColorChart  
> height)]
> 		ifFalse: [startPt _ 0 at 0].
> 	save _ Form fromDisplay: (startPt extent: ColorChart extent).
> 	ColorChart displayAt: startPt.
> 	tr _ ColorChart extent - (50 at 19) corner: ColorChart extent.
> 	tr _ tr translateBy: startPt.
> 	oldColor _ nil.
> 	[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse: [
> 		c _ Display colorAt: (here _ Sensor cursorPoint).
> 		(tr containsPoint: here)
> 			ifFalse: [Display fill: (0 at 61+startPt extent: 20 at 19) fillColor: c]
> 			ifTrue: [
> 				c _ Color transparent.
> 				Display fill: (0 at 61+startPt extent: 20 at 19) fillColor: Color  
> white].
> 		c = oldColor ifFalse: [
> 			Display fillWhite: (20 at 61 + startPt extent: 135 at 19).
> 			c isTransparent
> 				ifTrue: [s _ 'transparent']
> 				ifFalse: [s _ c shortPrintString.
> 						s _ s copyFrom: 7 to: s size - 1].
> 			s displayAt: 20 at 61 + startPt.
> 			oldColor _ c]].
> 	save displayAt: startPt.
> 	Sensor waitNoButton.
> 	^ c
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'color from user' stamp: 'tak 8/4/2005  
> 14:20'!
> noColorCaption
> 	| formTranslator |
> 	formTranslator := NaturalLanguageFormTranslator localeID: Locale  
> current localeID.
> 	^ (formTranslator translate: 'no color')
> 		ifNil: [Form
> 				extent: 34 @ 9
> 				depth: 1
> 				fromArray: #(0 0 256 0 256 0 3808663859 2147483648 2491688266  
> 2147483648 2491688266 0 2491688266 0 2466486578 0 0 0 )
> 				offset: 0 @ 0]! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'color from user' stamp: 'di 4/13/1999  
> 14:28'!
> oldColorPaletteForDepth: depth extent: paletteExtent
> 	"Returns a form of the given size showing a color palette for the  
> given depth."
> 	"(Color oldColorPaletteForDepth: Display depth extent: 720 at 100)  
> display"
> 	| c p f nSteps rect w h q |
> 	f _ Form extent: paletteExtent depth: depth.
> 	f fill: f boundingBox fillColor: Color white.
> 	nSteps _ depth > 8 ifTrue: [12] ifFalse: [6].
> 	w _ paletteExtent x // (nSteps * nSteps).
> 	h _ paletteExtent y - 20 // nSteps.
> 	0 to: nSteps-1 do: [:r |
> 		0 to: nSteps-1 do: [:g |
> 			0 to: nSteps-1 do: [:b |
> 				c _ Color r: r g: g b: b range: nSteps - 1.
> 				rect _ ((r * nSteps * w) + (b * w)) @ (g * h) extent: w@(h + 1).
> 				f fill: rect fillColor: c]]].
> 	q _ Quadrangle origin: paletteExtent - (50 at 19) corner: paletteExtent.
> 	q displayOn: f.
> 	'Trans.' displayOn: f at: q origin + (9 at 1).
> 	w _ ((paletteExtent x - q width - 130) // 64) max: 1.
> 	p _ paletteExtent x - q width - (64 * w) - 1 @ (paletteExtent y -  
> 19).
> 	0 to: 63 do:
> 		[:v | c _ Color r: v g: v b: v range: 63.
> 		f fill: ((v * w)@0 + p extent: (w + 1)@19) fillColor: c].
> 	^ f
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'colormaps' stamp: 'jm 5/2/1999 07:24'!
> cachedColormapFrom: sourceDepth to: destDepth
> 	"Return a cached colormap for mapping between the given depths.  
> Always return a real colormap, not nil; this allows the client to  
> get an identity colormap that can then be copied and modified to do  
> color transformations."
> 	"Note: This method returns a shared, cached colormap to save time  
> and space. Clients that need to modify a colormap returned by this  
> method should make a copy and modify that!!"
> 	"Note: The colormap cache may be cleared by evaluating 'Color  
> shutDown'."
> 	| srcIndex map |
> 	CachedColormaps class == Array ifFalse: [CachedColormaps _ (1 to:  
> 9) collect: [:i | Array new: 32]].
> 	srcIndex _ sourceDepth.
> 	sourceDepth > 8 ifTrue: [srcIndex _ 9].
> 	(map _ (CachedColormaps at: srcIndex) at: destDepth) ~~ nil  
> ifTrue: [^ map].
> 	map _ self computeColormapFrom: sourceDepth to: destDepth.
> 	(CachedColormaps at: srcIndex) at: destDepth put: map.
> 	^ map
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'colormaps'!
> colorMapIfNeededFrom: sourceDepth to: destDepth
> 	"Return a colormap for mapping between the given depths, or nil if  
> no colormap is needed."
> 	"Note: This method returns a shared, cached colormap to save time  
> and space. Clients that need to modify a colormap returned by this  
> method should make a copy and modify that!!"
> 	sourceDepth = destDepth ifTrue: [^ nil].  "not needed if depths  
> are the same"
> 	(sourceDepth >= 16) & (destDepth >= 16) ifTrue: [
> 		"mapping is done in BitBlt by zero-filling or truncating each  
> color component"
> 		^ nil].
> 	^ Color cachedColormapFrom: sourceDepth to: destDepth
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'colormaps' stamp: 'jm 3/25/1999 19:48'!
> computeColormapFrom: sourceDepth to: destDepth
> 	"Compute a colorMap for translating between the given depths. A  
> colormap is a Bitmap whose entries contain the pixel values for the  
> destination depth. Typical clients use cachedColormapFrom:to:  
> instead."
> 	| map bitsPerColor |
> 	sourceDepth < 16 ifTrue: [
> 		"source is 1-, 2-, 4-, or 8-bit indexed color"
> 		map _ (IndexedColors copyFrom: 1 to: (1 bitShift: sourceDepth))
> 					collect: [:c | c pixelValueForDepth: destDepth].
> 		map _ map as: Bitmap.
> 	] ifFalse: [
> 		"source is 16-bit or 32-bit RGB"
> 		destDepth > 8
> 			ifTrue: [bitsPerColor _ 5]  "retain maximum color resolution"
> 			ifFalse: [bitsPerColor _ 4].
> 		map _ self computeRGBColormapFor: destDepth bitsPerColor:  
> bitsPerColor].
> 	"Note: zero is transparent except when source depth is one-bit deep"
> 	sourceDepth > 1 ifTrue: [map at: 1 put: 0].
> 	^ map
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'colormaps' stamp: 'jm 12/4/97 15:25'!
> computeRGBColormapFor: destDepth bitsPerColor: bitsPerColor
> 	"Compute a colorMap for translating from 16-bit or 32-bit RGB  
> color to the given depth, using the given number of of bits per  
> color component."
> 	| mask map c |
> 	(#(3 4 5) includes: bitsPerColor)
> 		ifFalse: [self error: 'BitBlt only supports 3, 4, or 5 bits per  
> color component'].
> 	mask _ (1 bitShift: bitsPerColor) - 1.
> 	map _ Bitmap new: (1 bitShift: (3 * bitsPerColor)).
> 	0 to: map size - 1 do: [:i |
> 		c _ Color
> 			r: ((i bitShift: 0 - (2 * bitsPerColor)) bitAnd: mask)
> 			g: ((i bitShift: 0 - bitsPerColor) bitAnd: mask)
> 			b: ((i bitShift: 0) bitAnd: mask)
> 			range: mask.
> 		map at: i + 1 put: (c pixelValueForDepth: destDepth)].
> 	map at: 1 put: (Color transparent pixelWordForDepth: destDepth).   
> "zero always transparent"
> 	^ map
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'examples'!
> colorRampForDepth: depth extent: aPoint
> 	"Returns a form of the given size showing R, G, B, and gray ramps  
> for the given depth. Useful for testing color conversions between  
> different depths."
> 	"(Color colorRampForDepth: Display depth extent: 256 at 80) display"
> 	"(Color colorRampForDepth: 32 extent: 256 at 80) displayOn: Display  
> at: 0 at 0 rule: Form paint"
> 	| f dx dy r |
> 	f _ Form extent: aPoint depth: depth.
> 	dx _ aPoint x // 256.
> 	dy _ aPoint y // 4.
> 	0 to: 255 do: [:i |
> 		r _ (dx * i)@0 extent: dx at dy.
> 		f fill: r fillColor: (Color r: i g: 0 b: 0 range: 255).
> 		r _ r translateBy: 0 at dy.
> 		f fill: r fillColor: (Color r: 0 g: i b: 0 range: 255).
> 		r _ r translateBy: 0 at dy.
> 		f fill: r fillColor: (Color r: 0 g: 0 b: i range: 255).
> 		r _ r translateBy: 0 at dy.
> 		f fill: r fillColor: (Color r: i g: i b: i range: 255)].
> 	^ f
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'examples' stamp: 'tk 6/19/96'!
> hotColdShades: thisMany
> 	"An array of thisMany colors showing temperature from blue to red  
> to white hot.  (Later improve this by swinging in hue.)  "
> 	"Color showColors: (Color hotColdShades: 25)"
> 	| n s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 |
> 	thisMany < 5 ifTrue: [^ self error: 'must be at least 5 shades'].
> 	n _ thisMany // 5.
> 	s1 _ self white mix: self yellow shades: (thisMany - (n*4)).
> 	s2 _ self yellow mix: self red shades: n+1.
> 	s2 _ s2 copyFrom: 2 to: n+1.
> 	s3 _ self red mix: self green darker shades: n+1.
> 	s3 _ s3 copyFrom: 2 to: n+1.
> 	s4 _ self green darker mix: self blue shades: n+1.
> 	s4 _ s4 copyFrom: 2 to: n+1.
> 	s5 _ self blue mix: self black shades: n+1.
> 	s5 _ s5 copyFrom: 2 to: n+1.
> 	^ s1, s2, s3, s4, s5
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'examples'!
> showColorCube
> 	"Show a 12x12x12 color cube."
> 	"Color showColorCube"
> 	0 to: 11 do: [:r |
> 		0 to: 11 do: [:g |
> 			0 to: 11 do: [:b |	
> 				Display fill: (((r*60) + (b*5)) @ (g*5) extent: 5 at 5)
> 					fillColor: (Color r: r g: g b: b range: 11)]]].
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'examples'!
> showColors: colorList
> 	"Display the given collection of colors across the top of the  
> Display."
> 	| w r |
> 	w _ Display width // colorList size.
> 	r _ 0 at 0 extent: w@((w min: 30) max: 10).
> 	colorList do: [:c |
> 		Display fill: r fillColor: c.
> 		r _ r translateBy: w at 0].
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'examples'!
> showHSVPalettes
> 	"Shows a palette of hues, varying the saturation and brightness  
> for each one. Best results are with depths 16 and 32."
> 	"Color showHSVPalettes"
> 	| left top c |
> 	left _ top _ 0.
> 	0 to: 179 by: 15 do: [:h |
> 		0 to: 10 do: [:s |
> 			left _ (h * 4) + (s * 4).
> 			0 to: 10 do: [:v |
> 				c _ Color h: h s: s asFloat / 10.0 v: v asFloat / 10.0.
> 				top _ (v * 4).
> 				Display fill: (left at top extent: 4 at 4) fillColor: c.
> 				c _ Color h: h + 180 s: s asFloat / 10.0 v: v asFloat / 10.0.
> 				top _ (v * 4) + 50.
> 				Display fill: (left at top extent: 4 at 4) fillColor: c]]].
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'examples'!
> showHuesInteractively
> 	"Shows a palette of hues at a (saturation, brightness) point  
> determined by the mouse position. Click the mouse button to exit  
> and return the selected (saturation, brightness) point."
> 	"Color showHuesInteractively"
> 	| p s v |
> 	[Sensor anyButtonPressed] whileFalse: [
> 		p _ Sensor cursorPoint.
> 		s _ p x asFloat / 300.0.
> 		v _ p y asFloat / 300.0.
> 		self showColors: (self wheel: 12 saturation: s brightness: v)].
> 	^ (s min: 1.0) @ (v min: 1.0)! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'examples'!
> wheel: thisMany
> 	"Return a collection of thisMany colors evenly spaced around the  
> color wheel."
> 	"Color showColors: (Color wheel: 12)"
> 	^ Color wheel: thisMany saturation: 0.9 brightness: 0.7
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'examples'!
> wheel: thisMany saturation: s brightness: v
> 	"Return a collection of thisMany colors evenly spaced around the  
> color wheel, all of the given saturation and brightness."
> 	"Color showColors: (Color wheel: 12 saturation: 0.4 brightness: 1.0)"
> 	"Color showColors: (Color wheel: 12 saturation: 0.8 brightness: 0.5)"
> 	^ (Color h: 0.0 s: s v: v) wheel: thisMany
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'ar 4/10/2005  
> 18:45'!
> colorFrom: parm
> 	"Return an instantiated color from parm.  If parm is already a  
> color, return it, else return the result of my performing it if  
> it's a symbol or, if it is a list, it can either be an array of  
> three numbers, which will be interpreted as RGB values, or a list  
> of symbols, the first of which is sent to me and then the others of  
> which are in turn sent to the prior result, thus allowing entries  
> of the form #(blue darker).  Else just return the thing"
> 	| aColor firstParm |
> 	(parm isKindOf: Color) ifTrue: [^ parm].
> 	(parm isSymbol) ifTrue: [^ self perform: parm].
> 	(parm isString) ifTrue: [^ self fromString: parm].
> 	((parm isKindOf: SequenceableCollection) and: [parm size > 0])
> 		ifTrue:
> 			[firstParm := parm first.
> 			(firstParm isKindOf: Number) ifTrue:
> 				[^ self fromRgbTriplet: parm].
> 			aColor := self colorFrom: firstParm.
> 			parm doWithIndex:
> 				[:sym :ind | ind > 1 ifTrue:
> 					[aColor := aColor perform: sym]].
> 			^ aColor].
> 	^ parm
> "
> Color colorFrom: #(blue darker)
> Color colorFrom: Color blue darker
> Color colorFrom: #blue
> Color colorFrom: #(0.0 0.0 1.0)
> "! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'tk 8/15/2001  
> 11:03'!
> colorFromPixelValue: p depth: d
> 	"Convert a pixel value for the given display depth into a color."
> 	"Details: For depths of 8 or less, the pixel value is simply  
> looked up in a table. For greater depths, the color components are  
> extracted and converted into a color."
> 	| r g b alpha |
> 	d = 8 ifTrue: [^ IndexedColors at: (p bitAnd: 16rFF) + 1].
> 	d = 4 ifTrue: [^ IndexedColors at: (p bitAnd: 16r0F) + 1].
> 	d = 2 ifTrue: [^ IndexedColors at: (p bitAnd: 16r03) + 1].
> 	d = 1 ifTrue: [^ IndexedColors at: (p bitAnd: 16r01) + 1].
> 	(d = 16) | (d = 15) ifTrue: [
> 		"five bits per component"
> 		r _ (p bitShift: -10) bitAnd: 16r1F.
> 		g _ (p bitShift: -5) bitAnd: 16r1F.
> 		b _ p bitAnd: 16r1F.
> 		(r = 0 and: [g = 0]) ifTrue: [
> 			b = 0 ifTrue: [^Color transparent].
> 			b = 1 ifTrue: [^Color black]].
> 		^ Color r: r g: g b: b range: 31].
> 	d = 32 ifTrue: [
> 		"eight bits per component; 8 bits of alpha"
> 		r _ (p bitShift: -16) bitAnd: 16rFF.
> 		g _ (p bitShift: -8) bitAnd: 16rFF.
> 		b _ p bitAnd: 16rFF.
> 		alpha _ p bitShift: -24.
> 		alpha = 0 ifTrue: [^Color transparent].
> 		(r = 0 and: [g = 0 and: [b = 0]])  ifTrue: [^Color transparent].
> 		alpha < 255
> 			ifTrue: [^ (Color r: r g: g b: b range: 255) alpha: (alpha  
> asFloat / 255.0)]
> 			ifFalse: [^ (Color r: r g: g b: b range: 255)]].
> 	d = 12 ifTrue: [
> 		"four bits per component"
> 		r _ (p bitShift: -8) bitAnd: 16rF.
> 		g _ (p bitShift: -4) bitAnd: 16rF.
> 		b _ p bitAnd: 16rF.
> 		^ Color r: r g: g b: b range: 15].
> 	d = 9 ifTrue: [
> 		"three bits per component"
> 		r _ (p bitShift: -6) bitAnd: 16r7.
> 		g _ (p bitShift: -3) bitAnd: 16r7.
> 		b _ p bitAnd: 16r7.
> 		^ Color r: r g: g b: b range: 7].
> 	self error: 'unknown pixel depth: ', d printString
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'mir 7/21/1999  
> 11:54'!
> fromArray: colorDef
> 	colorDef size == 3
> 			ifTrue: [^self r: (colorDef at: 1) g: (colorDef at: 2) b:  
> (colorDef at: 3)].
> 	colorDef size == 0
> 			ifTrue: [^Color transparent].
> 	colorDef size == 4
> 			ifTrue: [^(TranslucentColor r: (colorDef at: 1) g: (colorDef at:  
> 2) b: (colorDef at: 3)) alpha: (colorDef at: 4)].
> 	self error: 'Undefined color definition'! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'sw 8/8/97 22:03'!
> fromRgbTriplet: list
> 	^ self r: list first g: list second b: list last! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'dvf 6/16/2000  
> 17:48'!
> fromString: aString
> 	"for HTML color spec: #FFCCAA or white/black"
> 	"Color fromString: '#FFCCAA'.
> 	 Color fromString: 'white'.
> 	 Color fromString: 'orange'"
> 	| aColorHex red green blue |
> 	aString isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [^ Color white].
> 	aString first = $#
> 		ifTrue: [aColorHex _ aString copyFrom: 2 to: aString size]
> 		ifFalse: [aColorHex _ aString].
> 	[aColorHex size = 6
> 		ifTrue:
> 			[aColorHex _ aColorHex asUppercase.
> 			red _ ('16r', (aColorHex copyFrom: 1 to: 2)) asNumber/255.
> 			green _ ('16r', (aColorHex copyFrom: 3 to: 4)) asNumber/255.
> 			blue _ ('16r', (aColorHex copyFrom: 5 to: 6)) asNumber/255.
> 			^ self r: red g: green b: blue]]
> 	ifError: [:err :rcvr | "not a hex color triplet" ].
> 	"try to match aColorHex with known named colors"
> 	aColorHex _ aColorHex asLowercase.
> 	^self perform: (ColorNames detect: [:i | i asString asLowercase =  
> aColorHex]
> 		ifNone: [#white])! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'jm 12/4/97  
> 13:05'!
> gray: brightness
> 	"Return a gray shade with the given brightness in the range  
> [0.0..1.0]."
> 	^ self basicNew setRed: brightness green: brightness blue: brightness
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
> h: hue s: saturation v: brightness
> 	"Create a color with the given hue, saturation, and brightness.  
> Hue is given as the angle in degrees of the color on the color  
> circle where red is zero degrees. Saturation and brightness are  
> numbers in [0.0..1.0] where larger values are more saturated or  
> brighter colors. For example, (Color h: 0 s: 1 v: 1) is pure red."
> 	"Note: By convention, brightness is abbreviated 'v' to to avoid  
> confusion with blue."
> 	^ self basicNew setHue: hue saturation: saturation brightness:  
> brightness! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'dew 3/19/2002  
> 23:49'!
> h: h s: s v: v alpha: alpha
> 	^ (self h: h s: s v: v) alpha: alpha! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
> new
> 	^ self r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 0.0! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'jm 12/4/97  
> 13:04'!
> r: r g: g b: b
> 	"Return a color with the given r, g, and b components in the range  
> [0.0..1.0]."
> 	^ self basicNew setRed: r green: g blue: b
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
> r: r g: g b: b alpha: alpha
> 	^ (self r: r g: g b: b) alpha: alpha! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
> r: r g: g b: b range: range
> 	"Return a color with the given r, g, and b components specified as  
> integers in the range [0..r]. This avoids the floating point  
> arithmetic in the red:green:blue: message and is thus a bit faster  
> for certain applications (such as computing a sequence of colors  
> for a palette)."
> 	^ self basicNew setRed: r green: g blue: b range: range! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
> random
> 	"Return a random color that isn't too dark or under-saturated."
> 	^ self basicNew
> 		setHue: (360.0 * RandomStream next)
> 		saturation: (0.3 + (RandomStream next * 0.7))
> 		brightness: (0.4 + (RandomStream next * 0.6))! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yo 9/6/2004  
> 16:22'!
> saturatedRandom
> 	"Return a random color that isn't too dark or under-saturated."
> 	^ self basicNew
> 		setHue: (360.0 * RandomStream next)
> 		saturation: 1.0
> 		brightness: 1.0.! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> black
> 	^Black! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> blue
> 	^Blue! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> brown
> 	^Brown! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> cyan
> 	^Cyan! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> darkGray
> 	^DarkGray! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> gray
> 	^Gray! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> green
> 	^Green! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> lightBlue
> 	^LightBlue! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> lightBrown
> 	^LightBrown! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> lightCyan
> 	^LightCyan! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> lightGray
> 	^LightGray! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> lightGreen
> 	^LightGreen! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> lightMagenta
> 	^LightMagenta! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> lightOrange
> 	^LightOrange! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> lightRed
> 	^LightRed! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> lightYellow
> 	^LightYellow! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> magenta
> 	^Magenta! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> orange
> 	^Orange! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors' stamp: 'dwh 7/7/1999 23:56'!
> paleBlue
> 	^PaleBlue! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors' stamp: 'dwh 7/7/1999 23:56'!
> paleBuff
> 	^PaleBuff! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors' stamp: 'dwh 7/7/1999 23:56'!
> paleGreen
> 	^PaleGreen! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors' stamp: 'dwh 7/7/1999 23:56'!
> paleMagenta
> 	^PaleMagenta! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors' stamp: 'dwh 7/7/1999 23:56'!
> paleOrange
> 	^PaleOrange! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors' stamp: 'dwh 7/7/1999 23:56'!
> palePeach
> 	^PalePeach! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors' stamp: 'dwh 7/7/1999 23:56'!
> paleRed
> 	^PaleRed! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors' stamp: 'dwh 7/7/1999 23:56'!
> paleTan
> 	^PaleTan! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors' stamp: 'dwh 7/7/1999 23:56'!
> paleYellow
> 	^PaleYellow! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> red
> 	^Red! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors' stamp: 'wod 5/24/1998 01:56'!
> tan
> 	^  Color r: 0.8 g: 0.8 b: 0.5! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> transparent
> 	^Transparent! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> veryDarkGray
> 	^VeryDarkGray! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> veryLightGray
> 	^VeryLightGray! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors' stamp: 'dwh 7/7/1999 23:56'!
> veryPaleRed
> 	^VeryPaleRed! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> veryVeryDarkGray
> 	^VeryVeryDarkGray! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> veryVeryLightGray
> 	^VeryVeryLightGray! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> white
> 	^White! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'named colors'!
> yellow
> 	^Yellow! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'other'!
> colorNames
> 	"Return a collection of color names."
> 	^ ColorNames! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'other' stamp: 'BG 3/16/2005 08:18'!
> hex: aFloat
> 	"Return an hexadecimal two-digits string between 00 and FF
> 	for a float between 0.0 and 1.0"
> 	| str |
> 	str := ((aFloat * 255) asInteger printStringHex) asLowercase.
> 	str size = 1 ifTrue: [^'0',str] ifFalse: [^str]! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'other'!
> indexedColors
> 	^ IndexedColors! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'other' stamp: 'di 3/29/1999 13:33'!
> maskingMap: depth
> 	"Return a color map that maps all colors except transparent to  
> words of all ones. Used to create a mask for a Form whose  
> transparent pixel value is zero. Cache the most recently used map."
> 	| sizeNeeded |
> 	depth <= 8
> 		ifTrue: [sizeNeeded _ 1 bitShift: depth]
> 		ifFalse: [sizeNeeded _ 4096].
> 	(MaskingMap == nil or: [MaskingMap size ~= sizeNeeded]) ifTrue:
> 		[MaskingMap _ Bitmap new: sizeNeeded withAll: 16rFFFFFFFF.
> 		MaskingMap at: 1 put: 0.  "transparent"].
> 	^ MaskingMap
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'other'!
> pixelScreenForDepth: depth
> 	"Return a 50% stipple containing alternating pixels of all-zeros  
> and all-ones to be used as a mask at the given depth."
> 	| mask bits |
> 	mask _ (1 bitShift: depth) - 1.
> 	bits _ 2 * depth.
> 	[bits >= 32] whileFalse: [
> 		mask _ mask bitOr: (mask bitShift: bits).  "double the length of  
> mask"
> 		bits _ bits + bits].
> 	^ Bitmap with: mask with: mask bitInvert32
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'other'!
> quickHighLight: depth
> 	"Quickly return a Bitblt-ready raw colorValue for highlighting  
> areas.  6/22/96 tk"
> 	^ HighLightBitmaps at: depth! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'other'!
> shutDown
> 	"Color shutDown"
> 	ColorChart _ nil.		"Palette of colors for the user to pick from"
> 	CachedColormaps _ nil.	"Maps to translate between color depths"
> 	MaskingMap _ nil.		"Maps all colors except transparent to black  
> for creating a mask"
> ! !
> !Color class methodsFor: 'other' stamp: 'ar 2/16/2000 21:56'!
> translucentMaskFor: alphaValue depth: d
> 	"Return a pattern representing a mask usable for stipple  
> transparency"
> 	^(TranslucentPatterns at: d) at: ((alphaValue min: 1.0 max: 0.0) *  
> 4) rounded + 1! !
> Color initialize!

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