Monticello change log history?

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Mon Jun 19 20:59:51 UTC 2006

Colin Putney wrote:
>>> Andreas, to synchronize the two repositories, you should copy to A 
>>> everything that's only in B and vice versa. In other words, make both 
>>> repositories contain the union of the two sets of versions. That 
>>> should make it possible to find intermediate versions when doing diffs.
>> Doesn't that assume that this requires read-access on both 
>> repositories? That's not an option.
> Uh, well, if you don't have read access, I don't think you can synch at 
> all. If you meant "write access," then sure, you could just do a one-way 
> synchronization. Copy to A any versions in B that are not already in A.

Sorry, I've been unclear here (was about to grab a bite to eat and 
hungry ;-) I interpreted your message wrongly - I thought you meant that 
*after* the merge one would need read-access to both repositories. 
Obviously, for doing the merge some level of access is required ;-)

And yes, basically this is what I've been doing, e.g., do a merge of the 
versions in both repositories and publish the merged version to both.

   - Andreas

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