Monticello change log history?

Markus Gaelli gaelli at
Thu Jun 22 09:04:08 UTC 2006

On Jun 22, 2006, at 10:14 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> Does anyone know a good order in which to display these versions?  
> We currently use a a breadth-first order in the ancestor graph,  
> which is also used when you click the "history" button in MC (a  
> version usually has only one ancestor, but if a merge happend, it  
> can have more than one, forming an acyclic directed graph).
> Here's an example in chronological order:
> 1. A1 (--)		- developer A starts a package
> 2. A2 (A1)		- A produces more code
> 3. A3 (A2)		- A fixes bugs
> 4. B4 (A3)		- developer B branches
> 5. A4 (A3)		- A continues on trunk
> 6. B5 (B4)		- B develops on branch
> 7. B6 (B5)		- B develops on branch
> 8. A5 (A4, B6)	- A merges B's latest
> 9. A6 (A5)		- A continues
> but in breadth-first order this becomes:
> 9. A6 (A5)		- A continues
> 8. A5 (A4, B6)	- A merges B's latest
> 5. A4 (A3)		- A continues on trunk
> 7. B6 (B5)		- B develops on branch
> 3. A3 (A2)		- A fixes bugs
> 6. B5 (B4)		- B develops on branch
> 2. A2 (A1)		- A produces more code
> 4. B4 (A3)		- developer B branches
> 1. A1 (--)		- developer A starts a package
> ... which is a bit counter-intuitive.
> I wonder if there is some order or indentation scheme to better  
> indicate the merge history. But it would have to be able to show  
> even more complex cases than this rather simple example.

Hi Bert,

I think all merge histories can be thought of as Posets.
Posets can be displayed as Hasse-Diagrams, especially using GraphViz  
with the nice adapter of John Pierce.
(Technically speaken Hasse Diagrams come without arrowheads, but hey...)

You need an OS-Process enabled VM for using the graphviz package from  
John though, but below graph nodes and edges could then be displayed  
as morphs.


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