Squeak as IDE

Jimmie Houchin j.squeak at cyberhaus.us
Fri Jun 30 19:14:49 UTC 2006

Squeak offers much in the way of creature comforts for developing. I 
miss them greatly any time I venture out of Squeak. I have never settled 
or found an editor I like a lot. I'm not a Vim, Emacs, etc fanatic.

I'm not alone. Surveying the newsgroups of languages like Ruby, Python, 
et al, there are many searching for a great IDE.

How close is Squeak to being able to an IDE for other languages?

At this point its a curiosity for me. I currently don't have the time.

But, how much needs to be done to be able to:
Edit in browser windows?
Have syntax highlighting?

I like being able to edit individual methods.
Having versioning on each save.
Then a simple export to a file.
How hard would this be to support in a standard browser or OmniBrowser?

I wonder how many converts to Squeak, at least as far as contributing to 
scratching their own IDE itch, we could gain by competing in the IDE arena.

Emacs and Vi(m) are odd to many people.

Eclipse is a pig.

Just some thoughts.


Jimmie Houchin

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