Mac VM pops up debugger on every launch (InternetConfiguration broken?)

Marcus Denker denker at
Sat Mar 4 15:55:27 UTC 2006

On 04.03.2006, at 15:55, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

> Is this a known problem?  Every launch of the 3.9alpha image pops up
> a debugger notifier.  This is on the latest OSX, the latest Mac VM.

No, I have not seen it... the InternetConfig was turned on for a couple
of 3.9a releases (some weeks at least) and we have not gotten any  
reports... (I move daily between a place with a forced proxy and  
home, with no proxy).

Looking at the code, it should test if the proxy optionis actually  
active on the mac side...
can you try this (class InternetConfiguration):

	(SmalltalkImage current platformName = 'Mac OS') ifTrue: [
		self useHTTPProxy ifTrue: [
			 (self getHTTPProxyHost findTokens: ':') ifNotEmpty: [:p |
			 	HTTPSocket useProxyServerNamed: p first port: p second asInteger

Plattform setting support is surely something Squeak has to improve a  
lot... the InternetConfig
stuff is, as much as I know, only suported on the mac... so this is  
definitly not meant as
"the solution". It was actually argued in the past that it's far from  

But it helps *a lot* in the case when you move between places that  
require proxies...
it's a real time-saver... if it makes problems, we can bring back the  
preference and have
it to be false by default (that's how it is on 3.8). But even setting  
this pref to true and restarting
was bad enough for me so I hope we can live with having this active  
by default... ;-)


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