Strange behavior with the delete key in MacOSX

Tom Phoenix rootbeer at
Mon Mar 6 21:30:49 UTC 2006

On 3/3/06, Alexandre Bergel <Alexandre.Bergel at> wrote:

> Time to time I encounter a problem with my keyboard when Squeak is
> launched. However I cannot assess the problem comes from Squeak
> itself or not. This problem is that the 'delete' key does not produce
> what is expected.

I believe you're saying that, sometimes when Squeak is running, the
delete key develops unexpected behavior in other Mac OS X applications
running at the same time?

> In a xterm, when I press this key, the character ~
> is displayed instead, and the character where the cursor is is not
> removed.

Most xterms can send either backspace or delete for that key; could
yours have gotten set to the wrong one?

> This problem occurs only when Squeak is open...

Does quitting Squeak solve the problem? If the symptoms go away when
Squeak is quit, it may be a problem with your VM. But I think you're
saying that the problem stays after the VM has stopped running. In
that case, I suspect you might be pressing some key combination that's
changing your keyboard layout or something. On my Mac, I can go to
System Preferences / International / Input Menu to choose keyboard
layouts. Does that lead you anywhere?

Good luck with it!

--Tom Phoenix

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