[Q] Squeak feature bounties

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Mar 8 17:09:25 UTC 2006

Andreas Raab puso en su mail :

> Hasn't this experiment already been tried? It looks like
> http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/2653
> contains a list of enhancements with bounties in the range of $100 to
> $1000. AFAIK, none of these have ever been claimed, and I'd also be
> curious to better understand why people "sign up" for these bounties (if
> they do sign up at all - I wonder how many of these bounties just go to
> people who happen to work on the problem anyway).
> Cheers,
>    - Andreas

I copy from here:

 >>A Small Image That Loads Needed Classes On Demand To (For Example) Build
A Seaside Image With ≪ 5 Mb Of Image Size

  Markus Fritsche Will Contribute Eur100

As small image builder , I said I was heavily discouraged of try of improve
SqueakLight from doing that and was told is a crazy idea load classes from a
class repository, as I propose several times.

I have a MVC Komm + HttpView image below 3 mb, but 100 euros is not enough
to travel to ESUG in Praga :=)


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