[ANN] 3.9a7011

Cesare Marilungo cesare at poeticstudios.com
Sat Mar 18 13:20:34 UTC 2006

Michael Rueger wrote:

> Cesare Marilungo wrote:
>> Is this the correct procedure?
> Yes.
>> Anyway I tried it and I couldn't remove any morphic by clicking in 
>> the top left halo button. It complained it didn't understand the 
>> message 'dismissMorph'. I noticed that in the Morph class source the 
>> method was written 'dismissMorph: evt'. The parameter 'evt' wasn't 
>> used in the method body, so I removed it and the double colons.
> Congratulations, you are obviously the first person closing a morph 
> via Halo in that new image :-)
> While porting the changes from the squeakland image we missed that 
> method as it was hiding in a connectors related change set.
> Thanks for reporting!!
> Fix attached.
> Michael
Another thing I've noticed is that if I create a button with this code:

b _ SimpleButtonMorph new label: 'click me'; position: Display center; 
addMouseUpActionWith: 'self delete'.
b openInWorld.

If I click on it the border that appears on mouseDown is not centered 
with the button. I understand it is something in 
Morphic>>drawRolloverBorderOn but I don't know enough yet to help fixing it.


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