Strange PasteUpMorph>>drawOn:

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire at
Tue Mar 21 07:57:20 UTC 2006

Tom Phoenix a écrit :
> On 3/20/06, Hilaire Fernandes <hilaire at> wrote:
>>I found this method a bit strange. As it is showed by its code sample
>>below, grid will be rendered only if gridding is on.
> That sounds like exactly what I'd expect. What's strange?

griddingOn is a flag to know if point are to be locked to the grid 
position (using the PasteUpMorph>>gridPoint: method)

gridVisible is a flag to tell if the grid is visible.

In the drawOn: method it looks to me a grid is display only if the 1. 
gridding is activated, 2. the grid is set to be visible.

Indeed, this is the behavior I noted when I try to use the grid and the 
gridding in my code. I try to get only one of these feature but I have 
to take both. As a result I have to duplicate the griddingFlag in my 
code to know if I want or not to use gridding.

> --Tom Phoenix

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