SUnit: Skipping tests?

stéphane ducasse ducasse at
Tue Mar 28 07:30:02 UTC 2006

> or any other form that does not exercise any assertion in the SUnit  
> framework. It seems to me that such tests are really "empty tests",  
> e.g., by having no assertions there isn't really a statement made  
> whether this test succeeded or not (one might equally claim "it  
> failed" - namely "to test anything"). In any case, I think a good  
> solution would be to simply disregard any tests that don't assert  
> anything.

For testing some XMI stuff I could not write tests the way I wanted  
without having to patch the library. So
one test is really if by doing an action nothing breaks. I did not  
use self assert: true but could be a good idea.

> If you mean to do this, you could just add a "self assert: true" at  
> the end of it. At least that's a statement that the test is indeed  
> doing something useful, like exercising code and asserting that it  
> really does run through without any other exceptions.
> Cheers,
>   - Andreas

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