hash and equal problem

stéphane ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Tue Mar 28 08:51:22 UTC 2006


My question was also more interested :)
If you want to see this bug to be fixed, submit a fix and a bunch of  
tests :).
You look like that right guy to do that :)


On 28 mars 06, at 10:39, ncellier at ifrance.com wrote:

> Hi, Stef and Boris,
> We know from 1997-99 discussions that VA implementation is not good.
> It computes hash code fast, but handle Set of Float inefficiently.
> Example:
>     ((1 to: 100) collect: [:i | 10.0 raisedTo: i negated]) asSet.
> All elements have same hash code (0 hash) and access performance  
> turn to linear search.
> In other dialects,
>     self=self truncated ifFalse: [...]
> is also here to handle fraction/float equality (3/2) hash = 1.5 hash
> VW used to convert everything to Fraction (and had nasty bugs  
> because their imperfect asRational algorithm sometimes have  
> (aDouble = aDouble asRational asDouble) answering false, see SYSBUG- 
> asRational at cincom public store).
> Now they convert everything to Float, then to Double if anything  
> fail (Overflow) then to old Fraction hash (Large Fraction can also  
> overflow max IEEE754 Double). I think new implementation is faster,  
> and also cove rs other nasty bugs of aFloat=aDouble answering true,  
> but having different fractional representations. This also cover  
> scaled numbers.
> I do not have Dolphin, ST/X, ... image here, but i imagine they  
> follow one of the above paths.
> Sorry, I have no original solution in mind, but borrow solutions of  
> our Smalltalk cousins.
> exprimez-vous !

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