Pictures sequenzes Probleme :-((.

radouane el marjani estel1212 at
Wed Mar 29 18:24:55 UTC 2006

I need your help, I have 3 pictures produced as "SketchMorphs".
Now I want by using the Metohdes "startStopping" and "step" create 
sequenzes of these pictures.
First I will see the picture "a", I want click on and il must coming 
pictures b then c. but that don't work.
I would apreciate your help and I will writte my code below:


Morph subclass: #Test
    instanceVariableNames: 'a b c path array'
    classVariableNames: 'TestMorph'
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: 'testRadouane'

a := SketchMorph fromFile: 'bilder\display\display.gif'.
b:=    SketchMorph fromFile: 'bilder\display\nachrichten.gif'.
c:=    SketchMorph fromFile: 'bilder\display\telefonbuch.gif'.

array:=Array new:3.
array at:1 put:a.
array at:2 put:b.
array at:3 put:c

    path := OrderedCollection new.
    2 to: 3 do: [:i | path add: (array at:i)].
    path inspect.
    self startStepping.
 path := OrderedCollection new.
    2 to: 3 do: [:i | path add: (array at:i)].
    path inspect.
    path size > 0 ifTrue: [
    a addMorphFront: path removeFirst.
    a openInWorld.].

super initialize.
self initializedisplays.
a openInWorld.
        on: #mouseDown
        send: #startAnimation
        to: self.
Now I tip in Workspace as below:
test _Test new
I can see  the first pictur  but beim clicken on this Photo, it will not 
so working as I want!!!:-(
Have someone an idea.
Thanks for your help,


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