Squeak image format documentation

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Tue May 2 16:59:00 UTC 2006

On 2-May-06, at 9:29 AM, Michael Haupt wrote:

> Dear all,
> where can I find detailed documentation on the Squeak image format

You will find some of that in the various chapters of the nuBlue book  
(online copies of chapters at http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~ducasse/ 
FreeBooks/CollectiveNBlueBook/) and in comments and methods in the  
ObjectMemory class that is a part of the VMMaker package on  
SqueakMap. The book chapters are somewhat outdated in a few details  
and I expect the code comments could do with some improving too.

> and
> loading process?

The image loading process is implemented in  
Interpreter>readImageFromFile:HeapSize:StartingAt: and related  
methods. All it does is open the relevant image file, read it into  
memory, possibly run through to flip endianness, possibly run through  
to update pointers and some othe minor housekeeping. Nothing really  

What's the reason for your interest?

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.

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