Rescue of forgiven nice orphans

Milan Zimmermann milan.zimmermann at
Fri May 26 06:29:57 UTC 2006

Hi Edgar,

Let me first describe some history, what I know about MathMorphs (not  
much :-( ) etc. I discovered them some 3 years ago, I completely loved the 
page, but never found time really even try - I subscribed to the maling list, 
but by that time, it was already quiet. I occasionally visited the home page
in a hope that will come to life, but it sounds it needs a respirator help :)

In your previous email I think you asked if someone has some older code for 
it, I do not unfortunately.

For my benefit, let me start with some categorizing what projects I see on the 
home page:

	1) Linear Algebra (several versions it seems)
	2) ModularInteger
	3) MonomialOrderings / Algebraic Geometry
	4) PhysicsMorphs
	5) MetricSpaces
	6) Fibbonaci
	7) SEquences
	8) Function Plotter
	9) Projective Geometry
	10) Converter to TeX
	11) Dan Ingalls "MathMorphs Compatibility package"
	12) Graphs and Turing Machines
	13) Finite Groups
	14) Sturm Plotter
	15) Vibrating Strings Morph
	16) Algebraic Geometry (related to 3?)
	17) Probablilities

A few questions:
	- Sounds like you said there is some source you are looking for - does that 
mean there is some stuff out there more up to date than on the page?
	- Do you have a list of what projects you tried, which seem to load, which  
work (partly/fully), which do not, etc?
	- Sounds like you are running it in your minimal 3.9 version, is it possible 
to download it somewhere?
	- How do MorphicWrappers come into the picture - Is it perhaps a version of 
11) above?
	- Do you know if the original authors still do Squeak or are available ...

Maybe we can evaluate the above packages as to their status in 3.9 as 
non-loadable/loadable/not-working/working and work towards fixing that 
according to each one's interest?

Let me know what you think, Milan

PS: We can continue outside of the list to not clutter it much...

PS: I will probably have some occasional time and hopefully more over the 
summer, so it would be fun project...

On 2006 May 25 15:51, Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene wrote:
> Milan , Serge (and others MathMorphs entusiasts)
> I have a "one Page Web viewer" what could read text pages likes
> And just have the old Linear Algebra book and change set working as you
> see. All in 6.3 Mb , about 1/3 of regular Squeak,
> Now I beg Math Squeakers help me sending how to plot the curves with
> XYPlotter or ThetaRhoPlotter
> I copy from the site for Cardioid curve.
> Cartesian equation:
> (x2 + y2 - 2ax)2 = 4a2(x2 + y2)
> Polar equation:
> r = 2a(1 + cos())
> And I have
> example1
>     "Ask the resulting object to replot"
>     | answer |
>     answer _ self new.
>     answer dotSize: 5.
>     answer drawSteps: 8.
>     answer addFunction: (((Function constant: 4) + Function sin)
> asStretcher freq: 4).
>     answer addFunction: (((Function constant: 4) + Function sin)
> asStretcher freq: 4; xShift: Float pi / 4).
>     answer addFunction: (((Function constant: 4) + Function cos)
> asStretcher freq: 4).
>     answer addFunction: (((Function constant: 4) + Function cos)
> asStretcher freq: 4; xShift: Float pi / 4).
>     answer addFunction: (Function constant: 2.4).
>     answer addFunction: (Function constant: 5.6).
>     answer addFunction: (Function cos asStretcher freq: 4; amp: 2).
>     answer addFunction: (Function sin asStretcher freq: 4; amp: 2).
>     answer domain: (ClosedInterval from: 0 to: 2 * Float pi).
>     ^answer
> My spells works for have old code in new images, but I do not how math  :=)
> Help the orphans !!!
> Edgar

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