Broken SqueakSource?

Avi Bryant avi.bryant at
Mon Nov 20 19:29:32 UTC 2006

On 11/20/06, Ron Teitelbaum <Ron at> wrote:
>  I have no idea
> how people use Monticello without using Monticello Configurations!  (I'd be
> completely lost without it)

FWIW: what we do is to have a single package with no actual code, with
dependencies on every other package our application needs (this is a
flat dependency tree, not nested).  When developing, we commit new
versions of the lower-level packages as needed.  When we want to
release something, we sync up everyone's changes and then commit a new
version of the top-level package.  That gets loaded by everyone and
becomes the basis for a new round of changes.


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