Sq 3.9-7061 broken sources

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Mon Oct 9 22:36:58 UTC 2006

I've been looking at cleaning up the source pointers so that we can  
consider having large source/changes files (or other access methods)  
and discovered some nasty problems with 3.9-7061

Most obvious is that some 201 methods seem to have 0 source pointers.  
Now this might indicate that some have been set to have compressed in- 
image source (though there really shouldn't be any in a standard  
image) but in at least a few randomly chosen cases you get the error  
dialogue complaining about a buggered source file. The afflicted  
classes are :-
  a Set(#PlayWithMe1 #BrowserProvider #Preferences #WorldMenuProvider)

Consider -
BrowserProvider >> browserClassMenushortcut. It displays perfectly  
well in the browser because it can decompile ok. Still shouldn't have  
no source pointer though. Its method properties are nil properties,  
empty array pragmas and a suitable selector

To find the relevant methods try
  (SystemNavigation default allMethodsNoDoitsSelect:[:cm|
		cm sourcePointer = 0])
and inspect.

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
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