3.9-7061 showstopper bug - Mantis #5231

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Fri Oct 13 00:41:18 UTC 2006

On 12-Oct-06, at 4:57 PM, Brad Fuller wrote:

> tim Rowledge wrote:
>> I consider this to be a showstopper:-
> interesting.... I just tried it and the changes were normal. This  
> is in
> the 34-dev image which is #7061
> does the amount of random stuff typed make a difference?
> (I tried '3+4' and 3+4)

Very curious. Starting a new 7061 image on my OSX G5 Mac

open a workspace
type 3+4 and print it

open the recent log  -
  ----SNAPSHOT----an Array(12 October 2006 4:47:43 pm)  
NewSourceReferences-7061.image priorSource: 27317!


now type in the workspace 4+2, printit and open the recent log again -
----SNAPSHOT----an Array(12 October 2006 4:47:43 pm)  
NewSourceReferences-7061.image priorSource: 27317!


3+4 7


As you can see, the previous contents of the workspace are logged  
instead of just the code that was evaluated.

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Try not to let implementation details sneak into design documents.

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