Image Freezing

William Harford seaside at
Fri Oct 20 12:45:44 UTC 2006

On Oct 20, 2006, at 5:40 AM, Keith Hodges wrote:

> Scenario 2: "CPU 100%" no response from webserver, or GUI. Memory  
> is at around 45Mb-50Mb.

This is most likely the Seaside WeakArray problem. Seaside uses weak  
references to hold on to items it stores in its state registry.  
Unfortunately  Squeak's implementation of WeakArrays does not scale  
well. A quick fix is to change SeasidePlatformSupport class  
#weakDictionaryOfSize:  to read.

weakDictionaryOfSize: aNumber
	^ IdentityDictionary new: aNumber

The problem with this is your seaside sessions will grow bigger and  
bigger as they are used and if you have lots of long running sessions  
this can be a problem.

This is actually a big problem and has plagued quite a few of us but  
fixing squeaks weak references implementation is a rather challenging  

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