I am standing by Juan's proposal, do you? (was Re: Removing Etoys, Morphic and other friends)

Stéphane Rollandin lecteur at zogotounga.net
Tue Oct 31 18:59:59 UTC 2006

Hernan Tylim wrote:
> Lastly I would like to ask Ron, Klaus, Jecel, Lex, Marcus, and the other
> people that on this thread said that wanted to keep etoys if they have
> considered this issue and I would like to know what they think. Again.
> Apologies if my mail didn't sound right. I am just curious and no offense
> was meant to anyone.

speaking for myself: I have no experience of the contents of the 
squeakland image, so the only eToys I know are the ones from "our" 
Squeak image.


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