Thoughts from an outsider

Klaus D. Witzel klaus.witzel at
Sat Sep 2 12:45:46 UTC 2006

On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 14:06:47 +0200, Trygve Reenskaug wrote:
...[many good words cut]...
> But after more than a hundred pages of literate programming, we found  
> that we needed to do some refactoring. But that would require a rewrite  
> of several chapters in our book. We just couldn't do it. The program  
> changes were fairly small, the book changes substantial. Even the main  
> chapters had to be rearranged. We ended up with adding appendixes with  
> overrides on previously written stuff. A total mess. (We even wrote an  
> OOPSLA paper reporting it: T. Reenskaug and A. L. Skaar. An environment  
> for literate smalltalk programming. ACM SIGPLAN Notices,  
> 24(10):337--345, October 1989.)

If you set "classic documentation" := "your doc book approach" then I  
cannot see any difference to what's up nowadays: the doc is always the  
first *or* the next component which is outdated.


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