literate programming examples (Re: Thoughts from an outsider)

Ramon Leon ramonleon at
Tue Sep 5 04:16:52 UTC 2006

> Modulo the quality of the comments in the code that are being used,  
> it's the presentation that can make the difference. A form of browser  
> that can gather linked comments from methods and classes and present  
> them in a neatly intelligible form is surely an improvement over  
> scattered snippets?

Is not the standard Smalltalk browser such a browser?  How would some 
other browser, using the same data, be able to somehow present the 
information better than the Smalltalk browser?  If such a great feature 
existed, wouldn't we simply add it to the existing Smalltalk browser?

> But don't forget that crucial first clause above about the quality of  
> the  source material.
> tim

Agreed, well commented code, when and where a comment adds value to what 
the code already says.  Often there is value in "no comment".  As 
someone earlier said, no one reads a 1000 page document. ;)

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