
Daniel Vainsencher danielv at techunix.technion.ac.il
Thu Sep 7 16:25:31 UTC 2006

Look at/integrate/complete the TraitsBrowser virtual categories:
- Required methods (MethodsToImplement as described by Diego, but also 
includes methods self sent but never implemented and more)
- Methods from Traits
- ... if you're interested, look at the SCG papers and ask about the 
existing code.

Considering that we have Traits in the image, and the tools in the image 
hardly support them at all, this would be pretty important. In the 
current state, there is probably a constant slow "leaking" code 
duplication, as people update methods inherited from Traits, when they 
should have changed the Trait, but didn't know it.


Damien Cassou wrote:
> Hi,
> DynamicProtocols are available for Squeak OmniBrowser on:
> MCHttpRepository location: 
> 'http://www.squeaksource.com/DynamicProtocols' user: '' password: ''
> A dynamic protocol is a category (displayed in the 3rd pane of your 
> browser) whose content is computed dynamically based on the class 
> currently selected. If a dynamic protocol is empty then it is not 
> shown. Here is a small list of dynamic protocols currently implemented:
> - HaltUsage: displays all methods containing a call to #halt.
> - Override: contains methods that are defined in the superclasses and 
> redefined in the current class.
> - RecentlyModified: contains recently modified methods (< 5 minutes).
> - SuperSend: displays methods sending a message to 'super'
> Thanks to Marcus Denker for his help in some protocols.
> Future work:
> -------------
> - Listen to your feedback (on top of my todo list)
> - Should work for other browsers (not sure if this is easy, maybe 
> using services)
> - Implements new dynamic protocols (give me ideas)
> - Add a GUI to select the dynamic protocols you want to activate 
> (maybe through Preferences)
> Waiting for your feedback now
> Bye

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