Why does every method get sent a #methodClass:

stephane ducasse stephane.ducasse at gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 06:46:10 UTC 2006

This makes a lot of code much simpler and faster (the usual speed/ 
complexity/memory tradeoff).

> Equally important, the method class normalizes the format of  
> CompiledMethod with respect to method properties. Before adding the  
> method class for each method, methods with super-sends would store  
> their properties in the next-to-last literal, those without in the  
> last. Which is a pain to maintain. Plus, there are some situations  
> where the ability to reason about the origin of a loose compiled  
> method (e.g., one not stored in any method dictionary due to  
> recompilation) is critical for being able to persist them correctly  
> (like when you try to determine whether that compiled method will  
> crash your system after loading it back in since it accesses iVars  
> beyond the end of the object). All in all, I'm a big fan of these  
> particular changes - they make many things trivial that would be  
> somewhere between hard to near impossible otherwise. At the cost of  
> four  (if you could method properties eight) bytes per compiled  
> method which -to me- seems a reasonable tradeoff in this case.

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