Squeak-dev/Squeak-web image v95-2

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Apr 4 11:15:04 UTC 2007

>> I'm looking forward to when underscore-leftarrow is REALLY REALLY 
>> gone and we can start having proper-looking OpenGL 
>> constant("GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX" instead of "GLModelviewMatrix").  I 
>> like the left-arrow too, but can't we please just leave it to the 
>> pretty-printer?

My point is this. I think that the parser can support both underscores 
in selectors and underscore as assignment. When displaying I would 
expect a nice unicode left arrow to be used

If the parser is adjusted to enable both, the only issue is that 
underscores used in assignment must have some whitespace around them to 
remove any ambiguity. If you accidentally forget the whitespace the 
compiler will show you where it got confused, or where a selector does 
not exist,  and you will have to edit the code, just like missing out a 
bracket, a period, or misspelling a selector.

I figured that I would try it one day, and I fully expect it to be a non 
issue, however I may be wrong and this wouldn't be the first time if I 
was, I just figured it would be worth a try.

best regards

> Personally I *hate* underscore pseudopunctuation but what does it have 
> to do with using a proper leftarrow? We have unicode. Codepoint 2190 
> apparently. Come to that 

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