Date classes

nicolas cellier ncellier at
Tue Apr 17 21:26:20 UTC 2007

Keith Hodges a écrit :
>> I don't see a professional coding environment, I see 3 or 4 guys
>> contributing their spare time writing one of the most kick ass web
>> frameworks ever made.  I see check in comments on every commit saying 
>> what
>> they did.  If there's a lack of comments in the code and on the 
>> classes, I
>> don't blame them, I blame us, for not jumping in and helping them out.
>> Would more comments be nice, sure, but lets not make the only guys 
>> doing the
>> work feel bad about it.
> Kick ass web frameworks for whom, the elite? the premadonnas? What 
> happened to smalltalk being an environment that is so easy a child could 
> do it, making things accessible as part of the culture?

Hi Keith,

I agree, a nice goal.

But you must take into account that external world do impose constraints.

I'am not sure Seaside team is responsible for WEB complexity.
They just try to manage it.

And to come back to Date subject our days are still more or less 86400 
seconds, night included. So I would not rant Seaside people for not 
working hard enough.


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