what is the status of the font rendering

Brad Fuller brad at bradfuller.com
Fri Apr 20 19:07:20 UTC 2007

Andrew Tween wrote:
> Hi Stef,
>> I should say that I'm confused so my question may be idiot.
>> Here it is: what's the status of the font rendering effort.
>> Andy if I remember you worked on something and there was some
>> discussion with sophiers.
> The freetype / subpixel rendering stuff is on-going.
> I use it all the time under windows, and it works well.
> There are some linux plugins available, but untested. The problem with these
> plugins is that they were rather "cobbled together". I compiled the freetype
> library on windows, copied it to linux, and compiled and linked the plugin from
> a Terminal shell; it works, but I can't remember exactly what I did to get it
> built :(
> I have already shared these plugins with one interested party, and I am hoping
> they will be able to help with getting makefiles etc. set up on linux for
> building .
> If anyone else wants to do download and experiment with this on Linux, then here
> are the links...
> You can download them from here...
> http://www.zen61439.zen.co.uk/ft%20linux%20plugins/
> This contains these two files...
> http://www.zen61439.zen.co.uk/ft%20linux%20plugins/BitBltPlugin
> http://www.zen61439.zen.co.uk/ft%20linux%20plugins/FT2Plugin

I installed FreeType Plus (0.3) from squeakmap into Linux and it seemed
to show more fonts. I say "seemed" because a problem that I have is that
when I select "set font..." from the popup menu (e.g. to change the font
on some text in a workspace), the list of font list is so long that it
doesn't show a "more..." at the bottom so I can go to the next menu.
"FontListMenuMorph>>displayFiltered: evt" doesn't seem to work. At least
it doesn't page up and page down the way you might have intended it to.

brad fuller
+1 (408) 799-6124

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