A newbie needs some help in squeak (maths, algorithm and drawing)

Christophe Bouchard Christophe.Bouchard at etu.univ-savoie.fr
Thu Apr 26 14:26:44 UTC 2007

I have to realize an application in squeak which is an icon generator. My questions are the following:
I have an algorithm which describe a spiral and i'd like to transcript it into squeak, but it doesn't work.
The original algorithm is:
" for( i=0; i < len; i++ ) {
  theta = 2*pi*float(i) / ppr;
  r = 0.15 * sqrt(theta);
  x = r * cos(theta);
  y = r * sin(theta);

And what i've done but that doesn't work:
spiral: len with: ppr

	| theta r x y |
	0 to: (len-1) do:
		[:i | theta = 2* Float pi * i / ppr.
			r = 0.15 * (self sqrt: theta).
			x = r * ( self cos: theta).
			y = r * ( self sin: theta).		

But this code doesn't work and I don't know how to code my spiral algorithm and how it will be displayed on screen when running.
Thank you for your help.

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