Identity vs equality (was Re: [Newbies] Assignment)

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Tue Aug 14 06:39:58 UTC 2007

nicolas cellier wrote:
> This is one of my pets, and i'm glad to remind everybody that once 
> symmetry is cured, = is still not an equivalence relationship, because 
> transitivity is often broken.
> a := 2 raisedTo: 80.
> b := a asDouble.
> c := a+1.
> self should: [(a = b) & (b = c) ==> (a = c)].

Nice example. But in all fairness, transitivity isn't really broken in 
the above because coercion is not a lossless operation. You are using 
equality in a strictly mathematical sense and in this strict sense b and 
c are not equal but only appear to be because of inexact coercion of c.

> In Squeak, we have all the elements for making a decision, 
> implementation are ready in mantis, the thread have been over-discussed, 
> we just need an authority to choose, or vote if some prefer democracy. 

I don't remember the thread. Where is it?

   - Andreas

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