An idea, crazy or not? (Re: Very bad about Squeak in blogosfere)

Darius Clarke socinian at
Tue Aug 14 08:39:50 UTC 2007

> I'm already start thinking about implementing some simple protocol for
> interacting with public server. A message protocol can be very dumb
> and straightforward, like:
> - list class log entries (class, start date , end date).
> - list package log entries (package, start date , end date).
> - fetch entry by id.
> - add class log entry (date, author, type, contents)
> - add package log entry(date, author, type, contents)
> a basic entry types can be:
> - create topic
> - add comment to specific topic
> - add new delta (also creates topic)
> - vote for entry (accept/reject) (you can vote , giving your approval
> for some delta, or for someone's point of view).
> A voting is good to collect information about what people think of
> given update. Then  admin/GOD/package maintainer can simply click
> 'Approve' or 'Reject' a change. And all users will have a single
> button 'Download approved changes'.

Nice! Let me know when I can test it!


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