Whats the best way to stop numerous mnu-Messages?

subbukk subbukk at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 04:15:47 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 22 August 2007 1:09 am, Enno Schwass wrote:
> Hello
> Every time I show squeak to someone else I just play around a bit.
> So other people can see how powerful squeak is.
> After a few minutes I always do something wrong. Sometimes I
> only get a single mnu. This is not problematic. But then I get
> numerous mnu and it doesnt look very professional if I have to
> click million times to get rid of it.
While doing demos, I like to keep my actions simple and comprehensible to my 
audience. I just shift select-drag the whole bunch of windows and drag them 
to the trash (or bring up halo and delete).

Just like what one would do with unsolicited messages. Just trash them :-)


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