Towards multi-head/multi-window VM

Bert Freudenberg bert at
Sun Aug 26 06:56:50 UTC 2007

On Aug 24, 2007, at 10:46 , Igor Stasenko wrote:

> On 24/08/07, tim Rowledge <tim at> wrote:
>> On 24-Aug-07, at 8:27 AM, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I'm curious, is there any efforts towards making squeak VM be
>>> independant from single main window and be able to start with
>>> no/single/multiple desktops?
>> Yes, the Ariethfa Ffenestri project.
>> 3862 also go to and use the google
>> search for 'ffenestri'.
>> has some of
>> the code, the VM code is in the HostWndowPlugin.
> Aha, i see.. and to use it there's a Tweak, and Tweak is part of  
> Croquet.
> Which raises another question: why main squeak VM still using archaic
> architecture and don't move forward?

You got that mixed up. The VM *does* support multiple windows, as Tim  
was saying. For quite some time now, in fact. It's just that nobody  
needed them desperately enough to actually put work into using them.  
Not even Tweak (although indeed it is way simpler to adapt Tweak to  
multi-window than Morphic).

- Bert -

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