Pipe syntax and the current methods

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Tue Aug 28 21:41:03 UTC 2007

On Aug 28, 2007, at 1:58 , Fabio Filasieno wrote:
> Small-talkers you are competing with:
> Directly with
>  - Ruby
>  - Python
>  - Erlang
> Indirectly with
>  - Ocaml
>  - Haskell
> Why should I choose Smalltalk ?
> The Smalltalk community needs to understand what a non smalltalk  
> users sees in smalltalk.

But also, newcomers to Smalltalk need to understand that to  
Smalltalkers, the *language* part is actually not all that important.  
This is very different from other communities like the ones you list,  
which are in fact centered around their language. For us Smalltalkers  
it is the environment that counts most, not the syntax.

- Bert -

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