My experiences in downloading Squeak

rudolf-Rednose Rudolf-Rednose at
Wed Dec 19 19:45:37 UTC 2007

David Röthlisberger schrieb:
>> Well I am sticking to my story :)  I re-installed Squeak 3.9 dev from 
>> scratch and I get the same results.
> ok, this is strange...
> I'm using Squeak 3.9 dev on a Mac, so the problem could be indeed 
> related to Windows and the VM.
> Can you send me the whole text you get when this "Syntax Error" occurs?
> David
On Windows XP
VM: 3.10.6 of 2007-08-07
IMAGE: sq3.9-7067dev07.09.2.image
it presents this:

(( oops now with picture ) or text )

"Treat the current selection as an expression; evaluate it and return the time 
took for this evaluation"
	| result rcvr ctxt cm v valueAsString |
	self lineSelectAndEmptyCheck: [^ -1].

	(model respondsTo: #doItReceiver)
		ifTrue: [FakeClassPool adopt: model selectedClass.  "Include model pool vars 
if any"
				rcvr _ model doItReceiver.
				ctxt _ model doItContext]
		ifFalse: [rcvr _ ctxt _ nil].
	Cannot store into ->result _ [
		cm := rcvr class evaluatorClass new
			compiledMethodFor: self selectionAsStream
			in: ctxt
			to: rcvr
			notifying: self
			ifFail: [FakeClassPool adopt: nil. ^ #failedDoit]
			logged: false.
		Time millisecondsToRun:
			[v := cm valueWithReceiver: rcvr arguments: (Array with: ctxt)].
		on: OutOfScopeNotification
		do: [ :ex | ex resume: true].
	FakeClassPool adopt: nil.

	"We do not want to have large result displayed"
	valueAsString := v printString.
	(valueAsString size > 30) ifTrue: [valueAsString := (valueAsString copyFrom: 1 
to: 30), '...'].
		inform: 'Time to compile and execute: ', result printString, 'ms res: ', 

Thank you for looking at it.


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