omnibrowser - actors

Colin Putney cputney at
Tue Feb 6 04:14:01 UTC 2007

On Feb 5, 2007, at 8:14 AM, Julian Daly wrote:

> Can anyone help? I need to add some actors to an simple omnibrowser  
> file browser that I have created.
> How do I add an actor correctly?
It's not hard if you've created your own browser. When building your  
metagraph, you just need create an instance of your actor class and  
add it to the correct metanode with #addActor:.

On the other hand, actors are deprecated. Future versions of OB will  
use a simpler method for creating menus, called commands. Depending  
on what you're doing, you might want to go straight to that  
architecture instead. If so, let me know and I can help you get started.


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