3D desktop

Brad Fuller brad at bradfuller.com
Mon Feb 12 20:51:03 UTC 2007

karl wrote:
> Brad Fuller skrev:
>> Karl wrote:
>>> Brad Fuller wrote:
>>>> stéphane ducasse wrote:
>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0ODskdEPnQ
>>>>> Could be cool to use Genie for that....
>>>>> Stef
>>>> another interface:
>>>> http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid271543545/bctid422563006
>>> Pretty nice. I have always wanted a touch screen interface for a 
>>> computer. Interfacing with computers will change. Look at the 
>>> success of the Wii game platform. I'm not proclaiming the death of 
>>> the mouse and keyboard but I don't think they will play a major part 
>>> in the-next-computer-revolution(tm).
>>> Karl
>> My first question was: "how will a croquet user navigate?" I assumed 
>> that you would just point and drag your finger where you wanted to 
>> move. Actually, it might be a bit easier because you wouldn't have to 
>> traverse the landscape if you just wanted to get somewhere -- maybe 
>> just place your finger on the destination and you're there.
> You can do this in Croquet now when you click on the down pointing 
> arrow on a portal.

yeah, but not if you want to go to the top of a mountain, right?

brad fuller
+1 (408) 799-6124

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