2 references to class with the same name

Brad Fuller brad at bradfuller.com
Mon Feb 26 21:46:07 UTC 2007

Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> On Feb 26, 2007, at 20:46 , Brad Fuller wrote:
>> I searched for the answer to this, but mostly found how to deal with 
>> instances and obsolete classes. Somehow, I ended up with 2 two classes 
>> with the same name, and the class is not obsolete.
>> If I look at the hierarchy of it's (their) superclass 
>> (PRStructuresWidget)  there are two classes shown:
>>     PRSearchWidget #('searchText' 'items')
>>     PRSearchWidget #('searchText')
>> PRSearchWidget #('searchText' 'items') is the current "real" class. 
>> Somehow PRSearchWidget #('searchText') got in there, which I don't 
>> want. I don't know how to get rid of it. Anyone point me to the right 
>> documentation on this?  Maybe if I file out the current one, then 
>> remove the class?
> Funny you should mention this. I saw the same thing in about three 
> images lately. I have no idea where it comes from. My hunch is 
> Monticello, but I have no evidence to back this up.
> In all cases I found that one or even two older version of a class were 
> still in the subclasses list of its superclass. That is, in the browser 
> you could see several subclasses with the same name. Only one of these 
> is the "real" one which is also registered in Smalltalk.
> I do not hava a bad image now, but to find these, the following should 
> work:
> bad := OrderedCollection new.
> Smalltalk allClassesDo: [:ea | bad addAll: (ea subclasses reject: [:cls 
> | cls isMeta or: [cls == (Smalltalk at: cls name)]])].
> bad
> To remove them, try this:
> bad do: [:cls | cls superclass removeSubclass: cls]

Thanks Bert, that did the trick.

Much obliged,

brad fuller
+1 (408) 799-6124

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