A "full" image ?

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Jan 9 17:07:55 UTC 2007

Damien Cassou puso en su mail :

> I see Squeak more like a base system on which you can install what you
> want. I don't see the point of delivering an image with TextToSpeech
> installed for web developers for example.
> It would be more interesting in my opinion to have different Squeak
> "distributions":
> - Squeak for Developers: like squeak-dev image. I can help for this.
> - Squeak for Teachers
> - Squeak for Children

As part of release team, I said read, edit, feedback , etc

Also I said what in
password: elpelotero
(09:00 to 20:00 GMT roughly)

This beginner user ready image (or close) hope soon goes to official ftp
site and the update process start.

All subject to Professor Johnson confirm / changes, off course.

On top , you could load via Universes.
No SqueakMap now, but yes Installer.
At this time we keep Etoys as EToysReloaded is under investigation and I
claim you could use 95% of what runs into 3.7.



Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí. 
Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas, 
está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta). 
¡Probalo ya! 

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