Whats Happening with 3.10. And how is it going to proceed?

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Jan 9 18:44:18 UTC 2007

tim Rowledge puso en su mail :

> Ralph, the problem is that during the 3.9 dev cycle the changes file
> ran out space and was compressed. So all those version histories went
> away :-(
> Now , I *do* have a partly complete rework of the source accessing
> stuff (and bugger all spare time to do anything with it) that could
> avoid that problem. It would, technically, be plausible to add that
> to a 3.8.1 image and then load all the packages Marcus built during
> the 3.9 work (at huge cost to his sanity, sleep and social life) and
> *not* do the compression. That should get us a 3.9 with all version
> info intact. A lot of work - and I'm not volunteering to do it! - but
> you might consider it as an option. The extra good news is that with
> a more flexible source code access system in place one could consider
> ways of storing version history off to the side in some manner so
> that you can have it or not at will. Just one of the benefits of
> getting away from a string assumption of integer indices into text
> files as your only source access.
> tim
I suggest some like this to Ralph too.

But first we need sure the Klaus solution for bigger sources files or the
Jerome proposal in Mantis about this was adopted.

And no forget about Dan's compressed sources, he does a long time ago and
never was used

When the sources schema was choosed,  then all 3.8.1 -> 3.10 alpha travel
could be done.

I volunteer to do if Markus , you or some said what the steps are.
Then , when a complete 3.10 alpha and his history was builded , the image
should put in official ftp.

Agree ?



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