SPDFTests no longer fail...

Stephan Eggermont stephan at stack.nl
Tue Jan 30 20:54:59 UTC 2007

but I don't know how to operate the FileList
opened by TIFFSelfTest displayResults...
Thanks for making the changes, Koji.
I've been able to narrow the problem down.
What I've been trying to do is add a color
TIFF image to the pdf, that is add a color
bitmap. I would actually prefer to add a
Form, but SPDF is TIFF centric.
TIFFImage has a class method
TIFFImage fromFileNamed: aString 
	^self fromFile: (Filename named: aString)

where Filename doesn't exist as a class.

TIFFImage fromFile: aFilename 
	| readStream |
	readStream := aFilename readStream.
	readStream binary.
	^self fromByteArray: readStream contents

So I thought to add a class method
fromFileWithName: aFilename 
	| readStream |
	readStream := StandardFileStream readOnlyFileNamed: aFilename.
	readStream binary.
	^self fromByteArray: readStream contents
and duplicate test13 changing the image aquisition to

	image := (TIFFImage fromFileWithName:'blokken.tif') directories first.
If I put an uncompressed 24-bit TIFF in blokken.tif, an invalid pdf file
is created. If I put in a uncompressed 4-bit TIFF with an odd width, 
the process halts with: 
Halt: No class is ready to handle tag #320. 
With an even width the invalid pdf is created again. A b/w tiff has the
same problems but the 24-bit TIFF does not have the even/odd problems.


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