Enter a project and *then* ...

Jim Rosenberg jr at amanue.com
Wed Jul 4 01:31:14 UTC 2007

I have some projects where I need to navigate among them via buttons. When 
I apply the enter method to a project from a mouseUp: method from an object 
in a different project, it works. But code in that method following

targetProject enter

is just not executed. It's as though entering a project completely 
"reboots" code execution from inside that project.

How can I enter a project and then execute code from inside that project, 
where the code is invoked from the "source" project?

This is all very puzzling, and seems like magic.

Here's an example of something that doesn't work. Bring up an explorer on 
an object with an instance variable containing a project. Highlight the 
project, and then doIt the following code:

self enter. PopUpMenu inform: 'Hoot'

If "self" refers to the same project, the Hoot message appears. But if 
"self" refers to a different project, the project is entered but the 'Hoot' 
doesn't happen. How do I do "project-spanning" code?

-Thanks, Jim

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