Monicello Branches

Norbert Hartl norbert at
Wed Jul 18 21:57:38 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 13:38 -0700, Steven W Riggins wrote:
> Hi!
> I am totally baffled by MC branches.  We have a large project  
> consisting of over 20 packages and now there is a bunch of code that  
> is checked in, but I cannot load because I'm trying to finalize a  
> release.
> I have a config map of my current code, but I can't just load the  
> current code.  I can make a change and save, which will make a  
> "branch" but to me, a branch is a tag across the entire tree, not  
> just one package.  And the branch is named, not "just load fred-236"  
> etc.
> Can anyone lend me some knowledge please? :)
I don't know if I understand your problem completely. I do 
branching on the basename of the file. If the package is
called Package I create something like PackageBeta-1. Then 
I clear the required packages of that version and set it to
the actual needed ones. So I have a different versions I
can develop with with different sets of needed other packages.
Switching between those "branches" is a simple matter of pressing
the load button with accepting versions questions from monticello.
The "branching" could also done for dependent packages. 
Works quite good for me. I'm work on the main trunk and I switch
to some branch for bug fixes and the like.



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