Support of algebraic operations on sets

Ron Teitelbaum Ron at
Sat Jun 16 13:34:34 UTC 2007


I'm still trying to follow this conversation, is your argument simply that
#= should be implemented in dictionary only comparing keys and not values,
so that 

(Dictionary at: #a put: 1) = (Dictionary at: #a put: 2)

Which means that

 | dict1 dict2 result1 result2 |
 dict1 := Dictionary new.
 dict2 := Dictionary new.
 dict1 at: 1 put: 5.
 dict2 at: 1 put: 6.
 result1 := dict1 union: dict2.
 result2 := dict2 union: dict1.

result1 = #(1->6) = result2 = #(1->5)


 result1 includes: #(1->5) = true

	#(1->6) = #(1->5)?

Ron Teitelbaum

> sig wrote:
> To what i propose is to be the following:
> SigAssociation methodsFor: 'comparision'
> = argv
>      ^ key = argv key

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