Collection ifEmpty:

brad fowlow fowlow at
Wed Mar 21 08:00:54 UTC 2007

Howdy folks.

A bit of collection trivia...

Collection ifEmpty: [ foo ]
returns nil if the collection is not empty,
owing to the placement of the return in

	ifEmpty: aBlock
		"Evaluate the block if I'm empty"
		^ self isEmpty ifTrue: aBlock

It would be a tad less efficient,
but (I think) more useful to say
	ifEmpty: aBlock
		self isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ aBlock value ]

returning the original collection if non-empty,
... since this allows expressions such as

	foo := (collection allAfterLast:'@') ifEmpty: [collection].

	This will only work if you add a cumbersome ifNotEmpty:[:c|c]
	 to the end, to force the result value to be the non-empty  

My Squeak (3.8.something, a Croquet image)
has 18 uses of isEmpty:,  none of them using the result.

Of course it's very unlikely anyone would arrange
a platform change of this sort for such a trivial thing.
But the ifEmpty: methods appear to be of later vintage
than a lot of the core of Collection.

And usually, I find that the methods in the basic system
are well thought out to suit a wide range of use patterns;
this seemed like an odd exception.

So... a question for the tidy expression fans....
what's a nice tidy ordered-collection expression for
	everything after x, unless there is no x, in which case all
since I'm probably just looking into my blind spot,
overlooking something obvious.


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