Real Slowdown of InputSensor between 3.8 and 3.9

Stéphane Ducasse stephane.ducasse at
Tue May 1 13:31:24 UTC 2007


I was surprised by the slowdown of one of my little applications and  
I messageTalliedThem
wtih exactly the same code on 3.8 and 3.9

Here are the results:

MessageTally spyOn:  [ | bdb |
			BDBase initialize.
			BDBase resetBaseNamed: #BD.
			bdb := BDBase new name: #BD.
			bdb importMostRecentXML.]

On 38

Time millisecondsToRun: [	| bdb |
		BDBase initialize.
		BDBase resetBaseNamed: #BD.
		bdb := BDBase new name: #BD.
		bdb importMostRecentXML.]  1677

3.2% {56ms} MultiByteFileStream>>next
3.2% {56ms} MultiByteFileStream>>doConversion
3.0% {52ms} UTF8TextConverter>>nextFromStream:
3.0% {52ms} SmallInteger(Number)>>negative
2.9% {51ms} MultiByteFileStream(StandardFileStream)>>basicNext
2.9% {51ms} SAXDriver(XMLTokenizer)>>next
2.9% {51ms} MultiByteFileStream>>converter
2.6% {45ms} ByteSymbol class(String class)>>stringHash:initialHash:
2.5% {44ms} MultiByteFileStream>>wantsLineEndConversion
2.1% {37ms} MultiByteFileStream(StandardFileStream)>>isBinary

on 39

- 21243 tallies, 21304 msec.

100.0% {21304ms} BDBase>>importMostRecentXML
   99.8% {21261ms} BDBase>>importXMLFromFileName:
     99.8% {21261ms} BDXMLImporter>>importFileNamed:
       99.8% {21261ms} BDXMLImporter>>importStream:
         96.5% {20558ms} BDXMLImporter>>importXMLDoc:
           |89.2% {19003ms} EventSensor(InputSensor)>>shiftPressed
           |  |89.2% {19003ms} EventSensor>>primMouseButtons
           |  |  89.2% {19003ms} EventSensor>>wait2ms
           |  |    89.1% {18982ms} Delay>>wait
           |  |      89.1% {18982ms} primitives
           |7.3% {1555ms} BDXMLImporter>>importBD:
         3.3% {703ms} XMLDOMParser class>>parseDocumentFrom:
           3.3% {703ms} XMLDOMParser class(SAXHandler class) 
             3.3% {703ms} XMLDOMParser(SAXHandler)>>parseDocument
               3.3% {703ms} SAXDriver(XMLTokenizer)>>nextEntity
                 3.2% {682ms} SAXDriver(XMLTokenizer)>>nextNode
                   3.2% {682ms} SAXDriver(XMLTokenizer)>>nextTag
                     2.7% {575ms} SAXDriver(XMLTokenizer) 
89.1% {18982ms} Delay>>wait

	old			+4,748,696 bytes
	young		-3,868,600 bytes
	used		+880,096 bytes
	free		+2,512,576 bytes

	full			1 totalling 83ms (0.0% uptime), avg 83.0ms
	incr		541 totalling 200ms (1.0% uptime), avg 0.0ms
	tenures		25 (avg 21 GCs/tenure)
	root table	0 overflows

Time millisecondsToRun: [	| bdb |
			BDBase initialize.
			BDBase resetBaseNamed: #BD.
			bdb := BDBase new name: #BD.
			bdb importMostRecentXML.] 21182

So it seems that some logic were changed in the inputSensor. When I  
commented InputSensor default shiftPressed ifTrue: [self halt.]. in  
the import method

importXMLDoc: aXMLDoc

	aXMLDoc elements first elements do:
		[:each | Transcript show: '.'. "InputSensor default shiftPressed  
ifTrue: [self halt.]."
				self importBD: each].

Now my benchmarck give me.
Time millisecondsToRun: [	| bdb |
			BDBase initialize.
			BDBase resetBaseNamed: #BD.
			bdb := BDBase new name: #BD.
			bdb importMostRecentXML.] 1643

I thought that it is worth to share.


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