[ANN] Documentation for Omnibrowser

Derek O'Connell doconnel at gmail.com
Thu May 3 12:18:39 UTC 2007

Oh dear. This is one of my pet niggles about the current state of
affairs re various releases, ie, it's difficult, for me at least and I
suspect others, to choose and stick to one image. A quick search of my
top level Squeak directory gives me ~1G of image files! I'm partly to
blame since during my experiment-by-loading-everything-in-sight
sessions I will typically download and use the image that
works/supports whatever particular package I'm investigating at that
time. Consequently I have various experimental code scatter over many
of these 32 images and you can guarantee that if I export a change-set
it won't cleanly import into another image. Hopefully I will
eventually reach the skill level that allows me to fix things on the
fly in these situations but I have to say even when I reach that level
I still won't look forward to doing it because it happens too often
and would be a distraction from my whatever I'm doing (Squeak-wise).
True it would provide good learning experience but for a newbie(ish)
it sorely dents my motivation.

I not blaming you, Damien, or anyone else specifically for this but
then the multitude of ways to load stuff into Squeak or update
existing packages, not to mention the "Update" button, leaves me in
total confusion about the best way to keep current without breaking
things. Thoughts on this as well as ways to manage various unrelated
bits of code are more than welcome!

PS: Downloading another image now my rant is over ;-)

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