Closure Compiler in 3.9 ?

Andrew P. Black black at
Tue May 8 21:42:56 UTC 2007

OK, so I patched the McMczReader and got NewCompiler to load.   I no  
longer get the "attempt to activate a block that is already active"  
errors.  However, my code doesn't give the expected results, and the  
debugger is no help at all in figuring out why, since it doesn't  
understand the blocks.

My confidence was not improved by running the NewCompiler tests —  
they crashed the image.

Before I tried that, I wrote one of my own tests — just a little  
workspace code.

i := 21. j := 0.
b := [(i:= i-1) > 0 ifTrue: [j := j+1 . b value.] ifFalse:[j]] .
b value

I think that b value should print as 20 (plus or minus 1) ... but I  
get 1.  Well, now I get 20.  But only if I execute the three  
statements one at a time.

If I put all three in the same doit, I get an infinite loop.
	Array(SequenceableCollection)>>= 					calls
	Array(SequenceableCollection)>>hasEqualElements 		calls
	Association>>=									calls
	BlockClosure>>=								calls


Something is rotten here, I think, but I don't know where to start in  
finding out exactly what.

On 8 May 2007, at 08:58, Andrew P. Black wrote:

> On 8 May 2007, at 0:41, Damien Cassou wrote:
>> 2007/5/8, stephane ducasse <stephane.ducasse at>:
>>> andrew use the squeak-dev image
>>> everything is checked and working with 3.9
> I am using the dev-image version 118.
>> The NewCompiler is not installed in the image but is present in the
>> Universe Browser and, is up to date and dependencies will be  
>> installed
>> automatically.
> What is the Universe Browser?  How do I get it?  Well, google  
> answered that one.  It looks like a replacement for Squeakmap  
> (which would explain why noone else seemed worried that squeakmap  
> was broken in 118.)  Seems very nice.   No package search  
> function , though — like the Smalltalk-80 class browser, or the old  
> Soviet telephone directory.
> I found NewCompiler in "--System--"  Unfortunately, I get error:  
> key not found in McMczReader >>extractInfoFrom: a  when trying to  
> load this package with the Universe Browser.  (Looking for key  
> #ancestors in a dictionary containing only #id).   What now?
> Andrew P. Black
> Department of Computer Science
> Portland State University
> +1 503 725 2411

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