
Ramiro Diaz Trepat ramirodt at
Wed May 30 14:59:16 UTC 2007

Hello List,
    I am having a real weird problem with MagritteGlorp.
    When I execute:

    MyMagritteGlorpDescriptions createSchema.

    Which by the way I have successfully executed many times before, I
get a walk back stating: "Error: Object is not in the collection".
    Looking a little bit inside, I can see that the descriptions of
the attributes of one of my classes, do not match it's current status
(contains attributes that no longer belong to the class).  That is,
for instance that when DatabaseTable>>fieldNamed: is called, the
fields attribute (which is the offending collection) contains an
attribute (in my case "Field(BOOK.detailUrl") which does not exist in
the class anymore.  Attribute detailUrl was removed long ago.
    So the collection of descriptions seem old, and do not seem to
reflect the current descriptions expressed by my class methods
    Is there any cache or something like that that should be reseted?

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