ANSI Smalltalk

Bruce Badger bwbadger at
Thu Nov 15 12:57:59 UTC 2007

On 15/11/2007, goran at <goran at> wrote:

> Please note that not all share the "idea" that Squeak is "just another
> Smalltalk".

Nor would I.

> IMHO Smalltalk *as a standard* is dead - the existing ANSI
> hasn't evolved for ages AFAIK.

Right, the initial standard was produced as a one off effort and the
ANSI project got closed down once the standard was released.  What we
are trying to do now is to get an on-going process started with the
aim of producing a new version evey 18 months to two years.  By
time-boxing the process we won't be held up by things for which no
consensus can be reached, but anything worth having in the standard
will make it in the end.

> I much rather see Squeak move ahead at the front (for example by
> introducing Traits) and start reshaping - than to exist solely as an
> "open source Smalltalk".

Me too.

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